Home > Take A Chance On Me(52)

Take A Chance On Me(52)
Author: Weston Parker

I thought about taking her into the bedroom, but I decided to be spontaneous and have living room sex. I pulled away from our kiss and jumped off the couch. Tiffany watched me, a bit confused. I grabbed a blanket from a rocking chair and put it on the floor. I grabbed two pillows off the couch and put them on top of the blanket.

“Come here,” I told Tiffany. She rose from the couch and laid down on the blanket.

“Is this okay?” I asked. She nodded. I put my hand behind her head and began to kiss her again. She reached up to me, putting her hands on my back and pulling me closer to her. Soon, I was on top of her. As we continued to kiss, I felt all the anger and sadness fade away. We had something worth fighting for. I was glad that I’d decided to come over, and glad that Tiffany wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Chapter 38


Cayden’s lips felt beyond good.

I’d been beginning to think that I would never kiss him again, especially after how he had acted this morning. I worried all day long about how our conversation would go. I knew what I’d wanted to say to him, but I was unsure how he would respond. I was glad that we had made it through the rough part. I knew there would be more healing ahead, but for now, I was happy. I was back in Cayden’s arms.

Cayden moved to hover above me, the thick press of his delicious body so far beyond good. We kissed passionately, both hungry for each other. While we’d had sex before, things seemed different this time. He touched me more softly and slowly than ever before. I almost felt as if he was teasing me, punishing me for not being honest with him about Brad. While I wanted to have hot sex, I was also enjoying this slowed down pace. My body liked it, too, as evident from the wetness between my thighs.

As I kissed him back, he began to caress my breasts through my shirt. He playfully bit my bottom lip. I ran my nails up and down the back of his shirt. He took a break from kissing me and began to unbutton the front of my shirt. He finally opened it, exposing my bra. He fumbled with it for a bit, but finally my bra was off. My nipples grew hard as they were introduced to the cool air.

He kissed me again, and then his hands found my bare breasts. His fingers felt warm against my cool skin. He gently squeezed my nipples as he kissed me harder.

“Take your shirt off, too,” I told him. He did as he was told, leaning back down to kiss me again. Our bare chests rubbed against each other. My nipples grew hard against his chest. Cayden began to undo my dress pants.

“Raise your hips,” he said, taking control of the situation. Now it was my turn to follow directions. I raised my hips off the blanket, allowing him to take off my pants. He slid them off me, tossing them across the room. I was in nothing but a black thong.

Cayden laid back down on top of me, continuing to kiss me. We had kissed a lot before, but we couldn’t get enough tonight. The way he kissed me made me question if he had also thought about the possibility of never kissing me again. I was glad that we hadn’t gone down that road.

Cayden’s fingers went down to my pussy. I’d shaved this morning, leaving a thin strip of hair for him. I could hear my wetness as he put two fingers inside of me. I moaned as he slowly began to finger me, gently moving his fingers in and out of my wet pussy.

“Nice and trimmed down here.” Cayden winked at me. I laughed.

“I’d hoped we would end up here,” I said. It was true. As I got ready this morning, I made sure that both my legs and my pussy were completely groomed.

“Play with yourself,” Cayden whispered to me. As he continued to finger my pussy, I played with my clit, looking deep into Cayden’s eyes.

“You’re so beautiful,” Cayden said. “Even more so when you’re touching yourself.”

It turned me on when Cayden gave me compliments, especially when we were fooling around. With Cayden, I felt like the hottest woman in the world, no matter what the number on the scale said. Cayden made me feel like a supermodel. I was completely confident when it came to sharing my body with him.

He bent down to kiss me again but stopped to take off his own pants. He stood in front of me and took off his boxers. We didn’t break eye contact.

“Let’s try something different,” he said. He positioned himself so that his dick was positioned right at my mouth and his mouth was near my pussy. We hadn’t tried this position before. As soon as I felt his tongue on my clit, my body jolted. I reached up and took his cock in my mouth.

We picked up a slow rhythm, with his cock slowly pumping in and out of my mouth as his tongue danced around my pussy. Occasionally, he would put a finger or two deep inside of me or play with my ass. While I was enjoying the mouth service, I really wanted to feel him inside of me. He must have felt the same way, because within a few minutes, he stood up.

“I need you,” he said and grabbed a condom before repositioning himself between my legs. He worked it on quickly and glanced up to look into my eyes. “Say you’re mine.”

“I’m yours.” I moaned as he drove his cock deep inside of me. I wrapped my legs around his back, eager to drive him deeper.

“That’s right you are,” he said with authority. His thrusts became faster and harder, bringing me closer and closer to release.

I reached down and ran my fingers over my clit softly. I could have played with my clit harder to make my orgasm come faster, but I was enjoying the slow sex that I was having with Cayden. We weren’t fucking tonight, or even having sex. We were making love. I’d never had sex like this before. It was passionate and sensual. Cayden kept leaning down to kiss me and whisper in my ear.

“You’re so beautiful, baby” he said, kissing my neck. I ran my fingernails up and down his back as he continued to make love to me. His body began to stiffen, and I knew that he was about to explode.

“I want to come with you,” I told him. I began to rub my clit faster, feeling the orgasm build deep inside of me. Cayden picked up the pace. He was now pounding me at a furious pace and it felt great.

“Oh my God, Cayden, I’m coming,” I said. I wrapped my legs around him tighter, pulling him deeper inside of me. I could feel my pussy wrapping around his hard cock.

“I’m coming, too,” Cayden announced and tensed up. I joined him, and we made eye contact throughout our orgasms. When it was over, Cayden let out an exhausted groan as he rolled off me.

We laid quietly, listening to each other breath. Our hearts beat together, slowing as the minutes went on. Cayden leaned over and kissed me again. I could taste a mixture of myself and salt from his sweat. We didn’t speak for several minutes. Instead, our hands found each other. We didn’t need to speak. We both knew that we were in a good place.

“I needed that,” Cayden finally spoke, breaking the silence. I giggled. I’d needed it, too, more than I knew. My body felt great post-orgasm. All the stress that I’d been carrying around for the past several days had gone away. Cayden reached over and began to stroke my bare thigh. My body reacted by shaking gently. It was as if his touch gave me a mini-orgasm. My body was super sensitive.

“I’m so happy that you came over,” I told him. He nodded.

“I am happy that I came over as well,” he said. “Although I wanted to stay mad at you, I knew that we had to move past this. I just hope that you’ll be more honest with me in the future. We need honesty for our relationship to survive.”

“I know,” I said. “I can promise you that I will never do anything like that again. I learned my lesson. I know it will take a while for you to trust me again, but I can promise you that I won’t give you a reason to not trust me in the future. I want to work on this.”

“Me too,” Cayden said, smiling at me. “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about Austin and Bonkers.”

I laughed.

“Did he like it?” I asked.

“He loved it,” Cayden responded. “I should have videotaped it, but I was still a bit raw from your mom’s house. He has played with that thing nonstop this weekend. I think he likes it even better than the green dinosaur, especially because you gave it to him. He kept talking about you all weekend. He wanted to know when we were going to see you again.”

“Aww,” I said. It made my heart happy that Austin had taken such a liking to me. I’d heard horror stories about girlfriends not getting along with their boyfriends’ children, causing a major rift in the relationship. Some couples broke up because the girlfriends couldn’t get along with the children. I was glad that we were not in that position.

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