Home > Smut(77)

Author: Karina Halle

She rubs her lips together in thought. “We do. But I think we need more. Our tastes have evolved since then. At least our aspirations have. This book did really well. We have to come up with something that will do equally amazing. We don’t want to be a flash in the pan.”

“We really should have written in some characters that could have been spun-off.”

“Nah, not in erotica. I say we do a tried and true staple with a twist.” She smiles to herself. “What about Slammed by the Single Dad?”

I laugh. “That could work,” I concede. “I’m guessing it’s self-explanatory.”

“Yeah…but never mind. Let’s put that aside for now.”

My mind starts flipping through all the books I see bloggers using all those eggplant emojis for (eggplant = cock, by the way).

“I’ve got it,” I announce. “Dirty Broken Bad Boy Billionaire. About a billionaire with a big cock who loves to eat pussy but can’t commit.”

“It’s been done.”

“The title?”

“The concept.”

“Yeah…but there’s a twist! You see, the heroine is the nanny of his child. And she uncovers a secret about him.”

“Sounds a lot like Falling for the Secret Male Stripper.”

“Well we can’t stray too far from the formula that works.”

“All right. Dirty Broken Bad Boy Billionaire is up next for Blake Lovecox.” She pauses, looking me up and down. “Can we put you on the cover, wearing a suit? I think that would be really hot.”

“Hot for the readers or hot for you?”


“I’m okay with that,” I tell her, flattered that she wants me on the cover. I flip her computer back open. “Let’s leave Ford Titan and Shasta Black in the past for now. Our new hero and heroine need names.”

Let the brainstorming begin.



I used to think one of the more compelling reasons authors write together is because they have someone else to cheer them on, someone to be accountable to besides themselves. If you slack off, you have someone to tell you to pick up the pace, hit you upside the head, force you to work. After all it’s harder to let two people down rather than just one, especially if you’re used to disappointing yourself all the time.

But the more I write with Blake, the less I get done. Somehow when we hated each other we were able to get a lot more writing done. Now that we’ve tried to actually make this a career, now that we’re actually making fucking money, the words have stopped flowing and writer’s block is forever rearing its ugly head in my life once again.

Oh, who am I kidding? I can’t pretend I don’t know why we’ve been slacking. It’s not the pressure of trying to top Falling for the Secret Male Stripper (not entirely). It’s the challenge of choosing writing over fucking. Because, Jesus, for once in my life I’ve got every single sexual fantasy I’ve ever wanted, everything that my ex never was, all at my fingertips. It’s instant access to an orgasm whenever Blake is around and when he isn’t around, I’m getting hand cramps from masturbating so furiously. It’s not just the smut that we’re writing. It’s the smut that we’re doing.

Every spare second.

Obviously the only solution is to avoid each other and try and write separately. That was my plan anyway and I knew just the place to do it. My parents have a cottage on a nearby island that’s been in the family for at least fifty years. It’s small, nothing fancy, though some of my fondest memories were being young and running amok there with my sister. Usually our nanny Karen would take us there when my parents wanted peace and quiet in the house, but sometimes, some lucky weeks during the dog days of summer, it would be the four of us—Dahlia, me, mom and dad. For once I could actually feel what it was like to have a family and since the cottage is small, we really got to know each other. Even my mother, who would never drink anything other than wine now, would drink beer on the porch, wear flip-flops and no makeup and take us for walks along the beach while I entertained her with stories.

The minute though that I told my parents I wanted to use the cottage for a few days to “relax”, the more I realized I wanted Blake there with me. It’s a completely stupid idea – invite the very reason why your work ethic is non-existent. But I can’t really explain it. It’s not that I want his company, I mean the guy drives me crazy outside of the bedroom, but some tiny part of me wants to show him something of my past. Besides, a change of scenery will probably do us some good and even though it’s scary to take the two of us and remove us from the world we’re used to, I think it will work out.

If it doesn’t completely blow up in our faces.

But we’ll see.

First, though, I have to work up the nerve to ask him. And the fact that I have to work up the nerve, that I’m actually nervous, that I’m actually worried, says a lot of things I don’t want them to say, mainly that I care what Blake Crawford thinks of me.

Because, shit. I do care.

A lot.

On Wednesday night I send him a text. I’d just seen him yesterday for another writing session turned sex romp and I’d casually mentioned that the next time we saw each other we had to get something done besides each other.

Totally fine if you say no, but did you want to get away for a few days to write? I was going to go to my parents’ cabin on Salt Spring Island this weekend for inspiration. Thought it might help.

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