Home > Smut(67)

Author: Karina Halle

“What’s going on up there?”

A shrill voice breaks the spell.

I have to blink my eyes a few times, figure out what’s happening. The sex has melted my damn brain.

“Bloody hell, it’s Treebeard!” Blake exclaims, trying to pull up his jeans.

“You still have a condom on!” I whisper.

“There’s no time!”

And there isn’t.

Because his pants aren’t quite up yet and his sheathed cock is hanging out when Treebeard comes around the corner. It doesn’t help that my skirt is still hiked around my waist in bunches.

“What are you two doing?” she exclaims, frozen at the end of the hall as she stares at us.

“Run,” Blake whispers to me as he finishes buttoning his jeans.

He grabs my hand and we run down the aisle and Treebeard starts coming after us.

Then we dart up the next aisle, leading her around. “You grab the computers, I’ll lead her astray. Meet you outside,” he says and then he’s taking off in one direction and I’m going in another.

I hope to god she doesn’t come after me because we’ve been working in a corner but luckily it doesn’t take me long to gather up our stuff and start running down the aisle and to the stairs.

I don’t know where Blake is at first but then I see his dark head disappearing behind the history section and a few seconds later Treebeard (good lord can that woman run). With both messenger bags slung on me like a pack mule, I make a run for the doors, bursting outside into the night just before Blake does.

“Keep going!” he yells and all my days of running are finally paying off because I plow over to Mr. Mean. But Blake is even more fit, like a superhero, and catches up in seconds.

He runs around and gets in, unlocking my door just as I see Treebeard emerge from the library, shaking her fist at us like something from a cartoon.

I jump in the car and don’t even have a chance to close the door before he drives away, screeching out of the parking lot.

“Do you think she’s going to report us?” I ask him breathlessly, watching in the side mirrors as the gleaming glass walls of the library disappears. My heart is racing so hard I can hear it.

“Well,” he says, letting out a little laugh. “Let’s just say you should avoid that library next year. Or wear a disguise.”

“That was my happy place, you know!”

He raises his eye brows suggestively. “And yet somehow I just made it a hell of a lot happier.”

I can’t think about that right now. I’m not even over what we did. My skin is hot and flushed, not just from the escape but the damn sex. I’m still aching inside from where he just was.

“Holy shit,” I finally exclaim, leaning back into the seat. “I can’t believe we just did that.” My head lolls to the side and I stare at him, wide-eyed. “I’m not sure that was smart.”

“It was the smartest thing we’ve ever done,” he says, turning up “Fur-Lined” by How to Destroy Angels on his stereo.

The jury is still out on that.

“Shit,” I swear. “I forgot I took my car there.”

“You’ll get it tomorrow,” he says.

I look out the window as we approach the downtown core. “Where are we going?”

“My place,” he says.

He gives me a sidelong glance, razing his teeth over his lower lip. “You know I’m not fucking done with you.”

“You’re definitely not done with yourself. I believe you have a condom somewhere in your underwear,” I point out.

He looks back to the road. “Okay, maybe not my finest moment. All the more reason to get it right the second time.”

Despite the muffled protests from my brain, like someone yelling behind a bank vault, my legs are still weak and my lips still remember the taste of myself on his tongue and my body knows just what it’s like to come with him inside me.

There’s no going back.

I push my brain aside. My body rules tonight.



Holy fucking shit.

That’s the only phrase that keeps running through my head as I drive us through the streets of Victoria, heading to my apartment.

That and, bloody hell can Treebeard run fast!

One minute I was sitting in the library, reading over some of the filthiest shit my mind has ever had the pleasure of processing, the next minute I’m watching the creator of it disappear around the library stacks and it’s like every single nerd boy fantasy I’ve ever had decided to come out to play.

The other day, with her body hot and soft under my hands, that loud, uninhibited moan, the way she pressed into my cock, I knew we were seconds from fucking. You know, if we hadn’t been interrupted. I mean, I’m sure Amanda would have had a little freak out at some point because it’s taking all of her willpower and stubbornness to pretend she’s not attracted to me.

But I know she is. She just needs to shut off the part of her brain that thinks too much and I refuse to believe that’s all that exists in her. I mean, her imagination so far has been as dirty as they come—her real life fantasies can’t be that far behind.

So I followed her down the stacks. Dropped to my knees and gave her pleasure like she’s never had before, in a setting I’m sure is dear to her darkest fantasies.

I planned to stop it at that but she was so wanton and needy and I was beyond turned on from tasting her like that, sinking into her from that angle, that I was ready to go.

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