Home > Charged (Saints of Denver #2)(72)

Charged (Saints of Denver #2)(72)
Author: Jay Crownover


It was a sweet kiss. It was a kiss that had more than our mouths touching. I was pretty sure with the brush of her pouty lips against mine that I felt her heart bang against my own.

She put her hand on the side of my face and was rubbing her thumb across my cheek when she told me, “You look tired.”

I snorted and ran my hand up her thigh until it was resting against the lush curve of her backside. I wanted to pull those ridiculous leggings off of her and put her in my lap on my dick.

“I wonder why?”

She snickered and bent so that her forehead was touching mine. “I have no idea.”

I was going to kiss her again but as I was getting to my feet so I could grab her face and tilt her head back, my office door swung open and clattered against the wall hard enough to have my diploma and credentials shifting and sliding out of alignment.

I knew Orsen was going to be upset that I turned his friend away, but I didn’t expect the red-faced, squinty-eyed, chest-billowing kind of mad that stormed into my office. Avett let her hands fall away from me and I took a step away from her and closer to Orsen as his furious gaze swept over us. I saw him take in her unusual hair and her colorful outfit before a nasty sneer twisted across his angry mouth.

“If you wanted to take on charity cases and get paid by getting your dick sucked, then you should have joined the D.A.’s office, Jackson. We are not a pro bono firm, we are a firm that takes clients that can pay … with money. Not with whatever else they may be offering.” I heard Avett suck in a sharp breath and saw her whole body go stiff out of the corner of my eye.

I put my hands on my hips and gave Orsen a hard look. “That’s enough. I’ve been picking and choosing my own cases for years, Orsen. I’ve earned that right. The one today was no different.”

His angry gaze swept back over Avett and then bored into me with warning and threat obvious between each blink he took.

“No, but her case was different. Did you even bother to send her a bill, Quaid, or did you decide it was okay to waste your time and the firm’s valuable resources because you wanted to get your dick wet?”

I opened my mouth to tell him he needed to shut the hell up when he held up his hand before I could even begin.

“If you want any shot at being made a partner you will take the case like you should have done this afternoon. You will tell your little playmate good-bye, send her an invoice, and get on with finding a proper”—the sneer on his face was so ugly that if I hadn’t spent years perfecting a stone-cold poker face for jury trials I would have recoiled from him— “and suitable companion to bring with you to the company party. I don’t know where your head or your priorities are at, Quaid, but this behavior is not becoming of the young man I hired. I’m starting to wonder if your ex took more than half your bank account with her when she left. Your common sense seems to have gone missing.”

With another disparaging look he turned on his heel and stormed out of the office with as much bluster as he’d entered.

I ran a rough hand over my face and turned to look at Avett. She was staring at the place where Orsen had left with wide eyes and her lower lip was trembling.

“I’m sorry about that.” The apology seemed so minimal for what my boss had said to her. “Orsen is kind of old school when it comes to things. He isn’t very … progressive.”

She cleared her throat and I could see how shaken the encounter had left her. I put a hand on her arm when she refused to look up at me and meet my eyes.

“Asa sent me a text. He’s done looking at the space and he’s waiting for me out front.”

I bit back a bunch of dirty words and slid my hand up to her shoulder. “Avett, don’t let what Orsen said get to you. You are different and your case was different, but it didn’t have anything to do with me wanting to get you naked.”

She finally lifted her eyes up to mine and I could see it so clearly. Disaster and destruction clashing bright and hot in the swirling depths. My hurricane had reached the shore and it was about to lay waste to this fragile thing that was starting to grow roots and take shape between us.

“Avett.” Just her name but it was a plea, a promise that I didn’t think like Orsen, a pledge that I would never discount her or devalue her the way my boss had done.

She shook her head at me and took a step to the side. A lopsided grin twisted her pretty mouth and it made me want to break every single thing in my office.

“Send me the bill, Quaid. I’ll get it paid somehow. I know you mentioned not wanting checks and balances between us but they were always there.”

I growled at her and took a step towards her but she held her hands up in front of her like she was trying to ward me off. “I don’t care about the fucking bill, Avett. I care about you and keeping you safe and that you stop trying to destroy everything good in your life to make something up to a dead girl.” I motioned between us with an angry sweep of my arm. “This is good between us, better than good, and you can’t abide by it. You’ve been looking for a way to twist it into something else from the inception.”

My words were harsh, accusatory, and I knew better than to go after someone feeling vulnerable that way. I’d seen too many witnesses shut completely down after similar tactics used by the prosecution.

“Maybe I have been waiting for it to go bad because—let’s be honest with each other, Quaid—how many good things really come from the bad decisions we make?” She blinked at me and her eyes narrowed. “I’m never going to be proper or suitable. I’m never going to be the kind of girl you can take with you to some fancy office party … a party you never mentioned to me.” I cringed because she had a point. I’d never mentioned the event because it was still a month away and her current situation with the loss of her house and the unknown bad guys after her seemed more pressing than some snotty shindig I didn’t even want to attend.

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