Home > Out of Bounds(18)

Out of Bounds(18)
Author: Lauren Blakely

I nod, as I roll my neck side to side, trying to work out the kinks. “Absolutely. I’m all about smiling for the camera these days.”

“Excellent. I figured the team would be happy too, since they love your good-guy-about-town image. They released some shots of you from that charity thing you did a few weeks ago.”

I arch an eyebrow as we move up in line. I don’t follow that stuff too closely, but I’m glad Jason does. “They did?”

“Don’t worry. It’s all good. The team loves you. They love this happy, shiny face you have going on in public,” he says, clasping my chin and squeezing my cheeks like a grandma.

I smack his hand away. “Dude.”

He cracks up. “Little do they know you’re a sourpuss off the field.”

“I’m not sour. I’m sweet,” I say, with a wink.

“Anyway, keep this shit up and we can tie up some deals left and right, make some of the donations you’ve wanted to,” he says, since part of my goal with Jason is not just financial security or smart business; it’s also making sure I give back to some of the organizations I leaned on when I was a kid playing sports. It’s good to be in a position to return the love, and in a big way.

“Awesome. That’s what I like to hear.”

“And that was a nice shot of you and the hot chick from the front office.”

My spine straightens, and a dose of worry zips through me. Shit. A swirl of images of the team’s troubles rushes before my eyes—the crashed cars, the pregnant teens, the drug-using players. I don’t want to tarnish the good rep I’ve had for years, or the one I’ve managed in just a few weeks here in Los Angeles. Or hers. And I certainly don’t want to risk anything bigger—like my job. “What do you mean?”

“I saw it online. You and the blond babe. There was a shot of the two of you in front of the banner. Good stuff,” he says, then turns away from me when we reach the window.


I drag a hand through my hair, reminding myself that posing at a charity function is not in the same league as the past problems. Hell, it’s hardly even on the same planet.

But it’s smart to be careful. And it’s a good thing it wasn’t obvious from the photo that I wanted to fuck her. Or that I nearly did later that same night. Well, her hand, if you want to get technical. Ah, hell. Now I’m thinking about screwing Dani, instead of ordering fish tacos from Flipper’s person.

Jason drops a hand to my shoulder and introduces me to the guy behind the window. Time to force out all thoughts of the woman I can’t have as my buddy says, “Drew, I want to introduce you to Ramon.”

A tattooed, burly man with a baby face extends his hand from behind the window. “Good to meet you. Big fan. Whatever you want. It’s on the house,” Ramon says, gesturing behind him to the kitchen on wheels.

I wave a hand, dismissing the offer. “Appreciate that, but I’m more than happy to pay for your fine food. And I appreciate the compliments.”

“And I’d appreciate it if you can bring a ring to Los Angeles,” he says, with a wry smile.

“I will absolutely do my best,” I say, and when the food is ready, Ramon refuses the cash, so I stuff a fifty in the tip jar.

Ramon grabs his phone, and we smile for the selfie camera.

We eat, then Jason and I wander along the promenade. We pass the movie theater, and I stop in my tracks when I read the marquee. “It’s tonight,” I say, my mind cycling back to Dani and our conversation in the car.

Jason knits his brow in question. “Heaven Can Wait? That old flick?”

“That old flick is a good flick, man.” I check the time. It’s almost seven.

“You and your love of old movies,” he says, shaking his head, like I amuse him.

“Then me and my love of old movies and new movies and any movies are going to catch this showing now so I can still get my beauty sleep. See you later. I’m going in.”

I’ve always loved the cinema. The silver screen had been my escape from the game. Don’t get me wrong, I love football, and I love playing, but the game is both love and work. Movies, though, have just been fun. They’re pure that way; they’ve served as a complete and total break for me, and I find myself getting lost in the story, which I enjoy. That’s what I want right now.

I give Jason a tip of the cap and head for the ticket counter, when he calls out, “I’m going with you.”

I arch an eyebrow. “To see that old flick? I don’t want to cramp your new, flashy style.”

“I’ll just pretend I don’t know you. It’ll be fine.”

“Too bad I was gonna treat. Not so sure I will now,” I say as I slap some bills at the counter and buy the tickets.

He adopts a cheesy grin. “Aww, you did treat after all. See, you love me because I make your money turn into more money.”

“Or because being next to you makes me look even more handsome,” I say as we head into the lobby, the door swinging closed behind us.

“Or maybe you’re both handsome.”

I stop in my tracks, snap my head around, and find myself looking at blond hair, high cheekbones, and full lips.

She looks a lot like Dani, but she’s not her.

Then, the star of my dirty dreams turns around from the popcorn counter, and I’m face-to-face with the woman who jacked me off and finished me with her mouth two weeks ago. Damn, my fucking brain races straight to the dirty. But, this woman. I stand no chance of not thinking of her that way. Why does she have to be so sinfully sexy? Dani wears a pink sundress and strappy sandals. Her hair falls loosely over her tanned shoulders. She stands next to a blue-eyed, slightly younger version of herself.

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