Home > Hotshot Doc(46)

Hotshot Doc(46)
Author: R.S. Grey

“What hurts?” Megan asks, concern oozing from her pores. She’s way more gullible than Erika, clearly.

“My head.” That’s not enough to convince Erika, so I add, “And my…” I suddenly can’t think of a single part of the human body. “Aaarm? Yes, my arm.” I cradle it against my chest. “I’m going to head home. Merry Christmas, everyone!”

I turn and scan the party for the best route. There’s only one entrance and Matt’s blocking it, but I’m hoping by the time I reach Josie, one of his many admirers will have drawn him farther into the room and I’ll sneak out without him even knowing I was here. It’s the only option I have. I move quickly, like I’m on a stealth mission. I push my hair over my left shoulder and use it like a curtain to shield my face on the off chance Matt looks in my direction.

It takes me forever to reach Josie because I’m forced to duck behind Christmas trees or bend down to adjust my heels just to throw him off my scent. I nearly do a barrel roll before I think better of it.

“Josie!” I hiss as I rush forward and slam her book closed. “Hurry. We have to go.”

She groans. “Are you kidding?! You just bent my page! And I didn’t have a bookmark in there. It’ll take me forever to find my place.”

“I’m sorry. I really am.” I round the table and hook my hands under her arms to haul her to her feet. “C’mon, I’ll buy you another book—ten books. Just—”

A hand wraps around my bicep and I jump out of my skin.

“Bailey,” Matt says right beside my ear, cool and unaffected. “Not running off already, I hope?”

Josie jerks away from me to reclaim her seat and Matt uses his grip on my arm to spin me around slowly. I keep my gaze carefully pinned on his chest. My cheeks burn. The amusement in his tone makes it clear he saw every bit of that little charade. I’m more glad than ever I didn’t attempt that barrel roll.

I gulp and nod. “I am. You see, my arm is—” I look down at my useless, perfectly functioning arm. “Injured.”

It sounds pitiful even to my own ears.

He laughs acerbically then bends down to address my sister. “Josie, if you’ll excuse us, I need to have a word with your sister.”

“No she will not ex—”

Josie yanks her book back to her side of the table and starts to flip through it to find her page, unbothered by Matt’s grip on my arm. “You’re excused.”

Choosing Harry Potter over her own flesh and blood?! I would do the same, but how dare she?

Matt keeps his hand on my arm as he leads me away from the table and over to a corner of the room partially concealed by one of the more over-the-top holiday scenes. Massive deer leap through the air, frolicking around white-flocked Christmas trees. I ask Matt if he likes the decorations and his eyes narrow on me.

Oh, I see. The pleasantries are gone now that we’re all alone.

“Did you or did you not ask me to come tonight?” he asks, tone deceptively calm.

I swallow and look away. “I did.”

“So then why were you about to leave?”

I’m not ready to admit the truth—or rather, I’m too embarrassed.

When I don’t speak, his grip on my arm loosens and then he releases me. Disappointment hits me square in the chest.

“I won’t do this, Bailey. I won’t chase you. I told you last night I’m done with the contract. If that scares you, I’m going to listen and respect that. Do you understand? I won’t force my way into your heart.”

“‘Force your way into my heart?’” I echo back at him, sounding incredulous. My gaze clashes with his in outrage. “You think you still need to force your way in? You’re there, Matt! In every damn nook and cranny. That’s why I’m running! That’s why I drew up that silly contract!”

He reaches for my hand and I don’t realize I’m trembling until I feel how steady his grip is on me.

“What are you saying?”

“I can’t be any clearer.”

He laughs, his face betraying every ounce of his elation. I’ve never seen him so breathtakingly handsome. “Well you’ll have to be because I don’t want any more misunderstandings.”

My eyebrows pinch together. “Do you honestly expect me to declare my feelings for you here of all places? That deer is following me with its eyes. Everyone in this room is looking at us right now. They saw you drag me over here like a caveman, and I’m sure they’re waiting for something to happen, a kiss—or a slap, more like.”

“Out of the two, I know which one I’d prefer,” he replies coolly, unbothered by the idea of everyone watching us. I suppose in some ways, he’s used to it.

I, however, am not.

Matt steps forward and threads his fingers through mine. The gesture is intimate. I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. My stomach quivers as his gaze falls heavy on my mouth. He’s going to kiss me right here in front of everyone! He’ll do it! And that’s the only reason I force him to follow me down the hallway just to our right and drag him through the first door I see.

It’s a bathroom. Good! I lock the door and whirl around to face him, finger poking his big, manly chest. Admittedly, it probably hurts me more than it hurts him, but he needs to know I’m serious.

“You were going to kiss me out there!” I say, outraged. “In front of everyone!”

His hand reaches out and he fists the front of my dress, using the silky material as a means to pull me toward him. I stumble over my heels and collide into him. He’s a rock, unmoving even when my full weight knocks into him. His hands at my waist keep me steady. His muscular thighs press against mine. My hands are on his chest, palms flat so I feel every breath, every heavy thump of his racing heart. His fingers twist the fabric of my dress and the silk brushes against my thigh, hiking up a few more inches so my bare legs brush against his suit pants.

I force myself to glance up at the tall, daunting man poised to wreck my world. His dark brows are tugged together. His blue eyes hold back a storm of emotion as he stares searchingly into mine, trying to find the answer to some unspoken question.

I’m shaking as if he has me on the edge of a cliff. One single finger could push me over. I’d tumble down, and right now, there’s no way to know what awaits me at the bottom. Pain, love, heartache, elation—each is as likely as the last and I can’t willingly do this to myself. I can’t give myself over to a man who has the power to upend my life so easily.

I make a small move to step away at the exact moment he bends his head and captures my mouth in an endless, passionate kiss. His strong grip keeps me there, pressed against him. I feel drugged as he kisses me again and again, his hands shifting higher, stroking and teasing and caressing everywhere within his reach. His thumb curves around my ribs and brushes the very edge of my breasts through my dress. His mouth slants over mine and I shudder. It’s seduction, pure and simple. I’m helpless and frozen, using all of my wits just to stay standing, let alone kiss him back. My hands haven’t moved from his chest. I’ve forgotten how to execute the simple act of breathing.

He pulls back and his hand wraps around my chin so he can lift my face toward his. His beautiful features are masked by desperate need. It’s nearly enough to break my heart when his lips press against my temple, my cheek, the delicate groove just below my ear. My eyes are pinched closed as tingles ricochet down my spine.

“Kiss me,” he pleads, his hands sliding around me, hauling me up against him so there’s no space left between us. “Bailey…kiss me.”

The words are as effective as a puppeteer’s strings. The longing in his tone breaks the final chains straining around my heart. His parted lips find mine again and this time, I’m not frozen. I’m a woman taking exactly what she wants. I moan with hot need, tangling one hand in the thick hair at the base of his neck at the same moment my mouth opens and my tongue teases his. I kiss him with a hurried fervor, suddenly too anxious for this. I kiss him with all the desire I’ve foolishly tried to repress, every bit of longing that’s built up over the last few weeks.

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