Home > Fallen Crest Alternative Version (Fallen Crest High #2.1)(53)

Fallen Crest Alternative Version (Fallen Crest High #2.1)(53)
Author: Tijans Books

“Transfer.” He jerked forward. His hands cupped above my knees. His thumbs smoothed over my skin.

I picked up my coffee and blew on it. “Come on.”


I glared over the rim of my mug. “You know I can’t do that.”

His mouth flattened, but he leaned back again. “Yeah, yeah. I know. I hate that guy and I hate that he’s your friend.”

“But I’m an Elite now.” I grinned at him.

He rolled his eyes again. “And that’s the punch line of this whole joke. Don’t think that’s not Adam’s doing, by the way. You know it was.”

I shrugged and sipped my coffee. “I don’t really care. Honestly.”

He grunted, and we didn’t speak. Our food was brought over and after a while, it didn’t seem like there was much else to say. I knew Mason didn’t like that I was in the Elite or that Adam was my friend again. I also knew that he considered Adam and Becky both scum for abandoning me the last three months. But what he didn’t know was that I had stopped caring about things. I went through the motions because what else was there? Some things mattered, though, like the feel of him beside me. Or how my body was heated while we sat across from each other in our booth.

When he was done eating and he leaned forward again, his hands slid up my legs again. My fingers dropped the fork and the pancake ceased to exist. The hunger in me was so primal, I gave him a darkened look and he nodded. The same desire leapt in his gaze and we rose from the booth as one. He dropped thirty dollars on the table and took my hand.

Nothing else was spoken until he turned onto our street. “Where to?”

I shook my head. I didn’t care. So he drove to Garrett’s. As we went inside, I knew before asking that no one was inside. It was another part of my life that I ceased to care about. I should’ve. A normal teenager should be concerned when she never saw her biological father, but I took Mason’s hand this time and led him upstairs.

When we were in my room, the door was locked, and I was pushed against it. I gasped before his mouth slammed down on me and gasped even further when he lifted up. His tongue went deep inside and his hands separated my legs for me. He pushed against me.

My blood already boiled and the same need throbbed between my legs. I ached for him. I always ached for him, but when he slipped two fingers inside of me, I shook my head and rasped out, “I want you.”

He grunted and pulled back. Then he slid inside. He was gentle at first, but then he shoved hard into me.

I screamed against his mouth.

He reared back and thrust again, rougher.

My hands were taken in his hold, and he held them flat against the door by my head. My legs wrapped tight around him, but he kept thrusting. More and more. Harder and harder. I was blind with passion and tried to wrench my hands free. He shook his head. I felt the movement as his lips still plundered mine. Then I started to whimper. I needed to take over. I needed to be in control.

“No,” he whispered when he shoved the farther inside of me.

Lust and pleasure swirled together in me. It took over. I was past conscious thought and I lifted my body off the door against him. I wanted more.

He cursed in a gasp and his hands dropped to my butt.

My hands were free and I shoved at him.

“Sam?” His eyes were wide when he staggered back a step.

I dropped to my feet and pushed him back against the door. Then I latched onto his shoulder and grabbed the dresser beside me. I lifted myself up. He caught me and then he understood what I wanted. He shifted so I was laid out on the dresser and he was between my legs.

One of his hands pushed up my shirt and cupped my breast. Then he slid inside again. I mewled from the pleasure of it. He lifted my butt higher in the air and readjusted so he slammed even more into me. I lifted my hips, urging him on. I set the tone. He gasped as I controlled our rhythm.

My hips bucked at a faster pace and he grunted. He arched over me, braced himself on the dresser, and took us both over the edge.

I opened my mouth to scream, but he drowned it out when he slammed his mouth over mine. As we hurtled over, the climax was violent within me. I reached out and hit the wall so I could brace myself. My body trembled and jerked in spasms as it rode through me.

Mason leaned over me and scooped me off the dresser. He carried me to the bed and then scooted so he was beside me. I opened my mouth, but he shook his head. He curled around me and held me in his arms. The only thing he mumbled was, “You’re on birth control, right?”

I tensed at the realization we hadn’t used a condom but then nodded. “I went on it a month after we started.”

His arms tightened around me and he kissed my shoulder.

It wasn’t long before we were both asleep.


We stayed in bed for the rest of the day. Mason left in the afternoon and returned with food, but it wasn’t long after that before we were groaning again. The food was left, forgotten on the floor. When it was five thirty, I remembered what Adam had said about Becky’s event. I groaned but pulled myself out of bed. Mason rolled over and propped himself up on an elbow. “Where are you going?”

I rolled my eyes and grumbled, “I have to go to this thing for Becky tonight.”

“What thing?”

I shrugged and went into the bathroom. As I turned the shower on, I yelled back, “Something for her brother. Adam told me I’m not supporting her, and I should’ve been at the party last night.”

He appeared in the doorway and propped a shoulder against the doorframe. He had pulled on his blue scrub pants from before and he crossed his arms. His biceps seemed bigger than ever. “Are you serious?”

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