Home > Archer's Voice(43)

Archer's Voice(43)
Author: Mia Sheridan

"Is it true?"

The smile disappeared from my face. "Is what true?" I said, figuring I knew exactly what he was asking about.

"That Archer is more than a friend to you?" He leaned his ass against my car and crossed his arms in front of him, his eyes trained on me.

I sighed, looking down for a minute and then back up to Travis. "Yes, Travis, it's true." I put my weight on one hip, feeling slightly uncomfortable in front of this man whom I had kissed. "In fact, I'm, um, seeing him."

He laughed. "Seeing him? How's that?" He looked truly confused.

I was instantly angry, as I stood up straighter. "How's that? Because he's a good man–he's smart and sweet and… why am I explaining this? Look, Travis, the truth is… I like him, and, I wasn't trying to lead you on by going out with you. But I wasn't really sure at that point what was going on with me and Archer. And now I am. And so I hope you understand when I tell you that I don't want to see anyone else. Just him. Just Archer."

His eyes narrowed on me, anger flashing across his face. But just as quickly, he schooled his expression and shrugged. "Listen, I'm not happy about this. I'm interested in you, so, yeah, this pretty much sucks to hear." He pursed his lips. "But, listen, if you've found a way to communicate with Archer, how can I be angry about that? That kid's had a hard enough time of it. I'm not too selfish to see that he deserves some happiness. So… I wish you two the best, Bree. Really."

I let out a breath, deciding to ignore his "kid" comment about Archer and remind him that Archer was actually a couple months older than him. I let that go and said, "Thanks, Travis. I appreciate that a lot. Friends?" I smiled at him.

He groaned. "Ouch. Friend-zoned." But then he smiled and it looked genuine. "Yeah, friends."

I grinned at him and exhaled. "Okay, good."

We smiled at each other for a second, and then he tilted his head to the side looking as if he was thinking. "Listen, Bree, this whole situation has kind of made me realize that I've been an ass**le not trying harder to be a friend to Archer. Maybe I dismissed him too quickly, thinking his silence meant he wasn't interested in being friends. Maybe it was me who just didn't try hard enough."

I nodded, excited. "Yes, he just really wants to be treated like a normal person, Travis. And no one in town seems to do that. They all just ignore him, pretend he doesn't exist." I frowned.

He nodded, studying me. "You're a good person, Bree. I'm going to drive out there later this week and say hi to him."

I grinned. "That would be great, Travis. I think he might like that."

"Okay." he smiled. "Now I'm going to go drown my sorrows in Maggie's cherry pie."

"Diner's closed," I said, giving him a mock sad face and then smiling.

He smiled back. "Yeah, but Maggie's still in there and when she gets a look at my face, she'll dish me up a piece." He winked. "Have a good day, okay?"

I laughed slightly. "You too, Travis." I got in my car and drove home, singing along with the radio the whole way.


An hour later, I was showered and in a pair of dark, fitted jeans and a light blue t-shirt with my hair hanging long and loose. Ten minutes after that, I pulled up in front of Archer's gate with Phoebe in my basket. I opened the gate which was left open a crack, and set Phoebe down to go find her friends.

I leaned my bike against Archer's fence and started walking down his long driveway, just as he appeared around the side of his house, wearing ripped jeans and work boots and nothing else. His chest was slightly shiny with perspiration and he used his arm to wipe it across his forehead. Obviously, he had been on one of his many projects again.

My tummy dipped at the sight of that beautiful body and I thought about how I wanted to see all of it–every bit. Soon? Hopefully soon.

He grinned at me and started walking faster and a flock of butterflies took up flight between my ribs. I started hurrying toward him too.

When I had almost reached him, I ran the last little ways and flew at him as he caught me and lifted me in his arms, me laughing happily as he spun around and laughed silently up at me.

I leaned my head down and kissed him hard, getting lost in the sweet cinnamon flavor of his mouth, mixed with that singular flavor that was only him. I kissed him all over his face, smiling and loving the slightly salty taste of his skin.

He gazed up at me in that way that made me feel cherished. His expression was simultaneously wondrous and joyful. I realized that I put that expression on this beautiful man's face. My heart melted and my tummy clenched again. I rubbed my thumb over his cheekbone and gazed down at him from where he held me above him. "I missed you today," I said.

He smiled at me and his eyes told me everything that his hands couldn't as he held me close to him. He brought his lips to mine again and kissed me deeply.

After a few minutes, I came up for air. "You really got a hold of the kissing thing quickly, didn't you?" I winked at him and he chuckled silently, his chest vibrating against mine.

He let me down and signed, You're extra happy today.

I nodded as we walked toward his house. We went into his kitchen where he poured both of us glasses of water while I told him all about cooking at the diner.

He drank his water, watching me chatter away, obviously finding pleasure in my happiness. Sweet man. His throat moved with each swallow of his water, his scar stretching as he drank. I stopped talking and leaned forward and kissed it, thinking momentarily about what he had told me yesterday about Victoria Hale, the evil bitch. What kind of horrible demon did you have to be to do what she had done to Archer, ensuring his handicap was one he'd have to live with forever, ultimately isolating him and making him feel damaged and limited. I wasn't a violent person, but when I thought about it, I felt like I could easily inflict physical pain on her and not feel the slightest bit of guilt.

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