Home > How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(64)

How to Tame a Beast in Seven Days (The Embraced #1)(64)
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks

The duke grew pale as he looked around the room. His gaze rested on the second assassin. “This is the man who made an attempt on my daughter’s life? Is she all right?”

“Yes,” Leo replied. “She was escorted back to the tower.”

With a heavy sigh, the duke knelt beside the body of the second jailer. “This was a good man. He was in my employ for over twenty years.” He glanced at the first jailer. “And he grew up here at Vindemar. His father was a soldier before him.”

“We’ll capture their killer soon,” Leo assured him.

The duke rose slowly to his feet. “I appreciate your help.”

“You and your daughter will be my family,” Leo said quietly. “I will do everything in my power to keep you both safe.”

“I will hold you to that promise.” The duke gave the deceased Willem a resigned look. “Captain Harden and his party have been spotted. They’ll be here shortly. They have Willem’s family with them.”

Leo nodded. “The king’s men may have been holding them hostage to force Willem’s hand.”

“I’ll look after them.” The duke squared his shoulders. “I’ll inform the families of the deceased and make arrangements for the funerals. Obviously, the festivities to celebrate your betrothal to my daughter will have to be postponed. Tonight, we will have a funeral feast to honor the two men who served me so well.”

“I understand,” Leo murmured.

The duke strode from the dungeons, followed by his guards.

The general made sure the door was shut, then whispered to Leo, “The easiest way to catch the third assassin is to have Brody sniff around in here. He can catch the killer’s scent, then point him out to us.”

Leo groaned inwardly. “Brody’s not here. I sent him on a mission.”

“What?” General Harden gave him an incredulous look. “What the hell did you do that for? Bring him back. Now!”

Leo clenched his fists. “I don’t have a way to contact him.”

“Damn!” The general grimaced.

Leo closed his eyes briefly. He should have done as Brody said and trusted Tatiana. But no, he’d decided it was more important to investigate her. He’d put uncovering her secrets ahead of protecting her. If something happened to her now, it would be his fault. “I made a mistake. I’ve been a bloody fool.”

The general snorted. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. We’ll find the killer.”

Leo shook his head. He should have trusted her. He’s not a Beast! Her shouted words had pierced him through. She believed in him. She’d taken his side against the crowd. Her heart was opening up to him. He could feel it.

And he wanted her with a desperation that stole his breath away.

He should have trusted her. Now Brody was gone, and it would take longer to discover the identity of a third assassin who had just gone on a murderous rampage.

Tatiana was in more danger than ever.

Chapter Twenty

When Luciana returned with Jensen to the tower, they passed by the two guards at the ground-level entrance and began their climb up the spiral staircase. When they reached the floor where the privy was located, she excused herself.

Jensen bowed. “I’ll go upstairs to make sure your room is safe.”

Alone for a few minutes in the privy, Luciana’s thoughts fled back to that moment where she’d stood on the scaffold, announcing to everyone that her betrothed was not a beast, then realizing that she loved him. Even now, her heart raced when she recalled his reaction, the way he’d stalked toward her with that desperate, hungry look in his eyes.

Her face burned with heat as she washed her hands in the basin. Was she being ridiculous to love a man who couldn’t touch her?

As she left the privy, she heard an odd moaning sound emanating from the stairwell. Was that Tatiana? Was she hurt? Could a dead person even feel pain?

She hurried up the stairs, then halted with a jerk midway up. Tatiana was moaning all right, but not from pain. Captain Bougaire had pinned her against the wall, and he was dragging his mouth down her neck as if he were devouring her.

Luciana gasped. The captain was dead? She blinked a few times to make sure she was seeing this. Apparently, two ghosts could touch each other, and these two were heartily proving that fact. She grimaced when her sister grasped the captain’s rump and pulled him closer. He growled in response and yanked the bodice of her red gown down to expose a breast. Then his mouth latched on to her nipple.

Did men actually do that? Luciana was so stunned she nearly toppled down the stairs. “By the godde—get yourselves to a bedchamber!”

They broke apart. The captain scowled at her, while Tatiana merely looked annoyed as she tugged her bodice back in place.

“Go away,” Tatiana grumbled. “Can’t you see we’re busy?”

“How—” Luciana winced at the gaping wound in Captain Bougaire’s chest. His white shirt was stained with blood. “How can you be dead?”

He snorted. “How do you think? Your precious Lord Protector had me killed.”

Luciana flinched. “No.” No, he gave his word that he wouldn’t kill the captain.

“I told you we couldn’t trust the Beast!” Tatiana shouted.

But she’d believed Leo. She’d trusted him. Luciana shook her head. “There must be some sort of explanation…”

“Of course there is,” the captain growled. “The bastard had me killed because I told him you weren’t the real Tatiana.”

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