Home > Wolf's Mate (Wind Dragons MC #5)(64)

Wolf's Mate (Wind Dragons MC #5)(64)
Author: Chantal Fernando

“Property? Nice,” I say in a dry tone. “And I wonder why you’re still single, Ranger?”

“I’m single because no woman has caught my eye yet.”

Talon once told me that Ranger is one of the most complicated men he’s ever met. He’s laid-back but can be intensely competitive. Usually he never takes anything personally, and nothing can offend him, but sometimes he loses his shit over the most random things, and he can struggle with reading people’s emotions. Like if you’re sad, he probably won’t pick up on that unless you tell him. He’s an interesting guy.

“I know a girl—” I start, but he cuts me off with a look.

“One of the crazy Wind Dragon women? No, thank you, I’m going to have to pass.”

The look on his face is priceless, almost like he’d rather be doing anything else.

“Hey now,” I say, getting a little defensive. “Those women are amazing. And I’m kind of one of them.”

Well, I was.

It hits me then that I might not be hanging with the women again, and it really sucks. I’ll miss them all, especially Faye. I’ll miss Rake and Tracker, and our gun practices; I’ll miss Sin and his disapproving glares every time Colt does something bad; I’ll miss Lana—asking her all about her books and trying to figure out how her amazing mind works. I’ll miss Anna and her self-defense lessons. Fuck. I’ll miss everyone and everything about being a part of the Wind Dragon family. Most of all, I’ll miss Vinnie.

I fell in love with him so quickly, so deeply, and to have to push him away now kills me like nothing else. I just don’t see a positive outcome for this situation. There’s no quick fix. He can’t change who he is and what he wants in life, and if he tries, he’ll probably end up resenting me and the baby. It’s a disaster waiting to happen, but damn, am I going to miss him.

“Bailey’s friend Tia isn’t one of the Wind Dragon women,” I add, pushing away those thoughts. “She’s just guilty by association. Bailey has told me stories and she sounds hilarious.” She also mentioned that Tia thinks Talon is hot.

“Tia?” Ranger asks, looking amused. He throws his head back and laughs. “No, she definitely isn’t a Wind Dragon chick, she’s now sole property of the Wild Men.”

My brow furrows in confusion. “First, women aren’t property, asshole, and second, what?”

“You didn’t know about her and Talon?”

I open my mouth, then close it. Then, a big smile spreads on my face. “About time he settled down.”

I can’t wait to hear that story.

“I told Talon he should’ve let you hang around us more. Maybe we could’ve kept a good one for ourselves,” he says, lifting his feet up on the coffee table.

I roll my eyes, resting my chin on my hand. “I feel like the Wild Men live a more bachelor lifestyle. I’ve never even met any of their old ladies. To be honest, I’ve only ever seen a few women there and I’m pretty sure they were groupies.”

Maybe things will change now that Tia and Talon are together.

“Groupies? That’s a nice name for them.”

“I’m a nice person.”

“Exactly,” he says, studying me. “You are, and Talon didn’t tell me why you’re here and not with your man, but obviously something is going on. I know you’re a Wind Dragon, but you’ll always have a place here with us too.”

“I thought it didn’t work like that,” I tease, my eyes gentling as the kind words pour from his mouth.

“Special circumstances,” he says, grinning. “You’re Talon’s family, which means you’re ours. It’s simple. Plus, you apparently have good taste in TV shows.”

I pick up a carrot and dip it. “And you apparently have good taste in snacks and dips.”

He chuckles and glances over at me before returning to the TV. “You’ll be fine, Shayla. Whatever is it, whatever this asshole has done, you will be fine.”

“How do you know?” I ask him, resting my hand on my flat stomach. It won’t be flat for much longer.

“Because you’re strong,” he says simply, like it’s a fact.

“You don’t know me well enough to make that statement,” I say, arching my brow. “You probably only know what Talon has told you.”

“I know,” he states.

I look into his beautiful, captivating eyes and see that he believes what he’s saying. “How long can you hang out?”

“I have nothing better to do today, if that’s what you’re asking. Why? Is that a hint to leave or to stay?”

“Well, I wouldn’t be opposed to some company,” I say, shrugging. “It keeps my mind off things, and like you, I have nothing better to do today.”

“Supernatural marathon is it,” he says, stretching his arms above his head. “Let me guess, you’re a Dean fan.”

“Naturally,” I say, smirking.

He stands up and says, “Want some ice cream?”

I nod.

Yeah, Ranger isn’t a bad guy at all.

* * *

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he calls through the door. “I’d love to hold your hair back, but the sounds you’re making are making me want to gag too.”

I stand up from the toilet, feeling like utter shit, and Ranger is not helping. “I’m fine!”

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