Home > Until November (Until #1)(75)

Until November (Until #1)(75)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

“Hey, baby,” he says. “How was your nap?”

“Good.” I smile. “Was she fussy when you tried to give her the bottle?” I ask, knowing my daughter is picky and only wants the breast.

“No.” He shakes his head, smiling. “Trevor came over for lunch and he got her to drink from it.”

“Wow, super Trevor saves the day again, huh?”

“Yeah, Liz came with him so I think he was showing off.” He laughs and I know he’s right. Liz slipped a few days after July was born and said something happened, but never said what it was. When I tried to press her about it, she closed up and turned as red as a beet. Since then, they had kind of been avoiding each other. A few weeks ago, something else happened, and now there is no Trevor without Liz.

“I'm sure,” I say, rolling my eyes. “But if your brothers are trying to use our daughter to pick up women, I will kick their asses.”

“I’ll kick their asses,” he says, patting her bottom and he’s not lying. He’s one scary daddy bear. The other day, some woman came up to us and started to put her hand near July, and he freaked out about germs and hand sanitizer. The lady stood there in shock the whole time. Then he walked away, shaking his head, like she was the crazy one.

“So, should we get ready to take her to Grandma’s?” I ask, excited about a date with my husband. Since July came home two months ago, we haven’t had any time alone, and I was very much looking forward to it. Not that I wanted to be without my daughter, but I was ready to have mommy and daddy time.

“I already packed everything up,” he says, smirking, and I laugh.

“Well, I'm going to go shower.”

“Shower, huh?” he says, and his eyes turn hungry.

“Yes, shower. You have to watch our daughter so you can’t join me. I bend over and kiss her head of dark hair, and then kiss my husband and whisper against his lips, “Love you.”

“Love you more, baby,” he says back.

“Do you want to go to Nashville and have dinner?” Asher asks from the driver’s seat. We just dropped off July to his mom and dad. We’re kid free for a few hours.

“Have you gone skinny dipping?” I blurt.

I watch as his dimple appears. “You wanna go skinny dipping, baby?”

“Maybe,” I say softly. I have always wanted to try it, but since the pool was finished and July was born, there hasn’t been time or opportunity.

We pull into our driveway fifteen minutes later, and before Asher can even get his door open, I’m in the house, running across the living room and pulling my dress over my head. Then I dive into the pool in my bra and panties. I surface and watch as Asher takes off his shoes then jeans. He’s going kind of slow, so I decided to hurry him along. I unclasp my bra and toss it in his direction. He jumps into the pool with his boxers still on.

When he surfaces, he’s right in front on me, pulling me to him under my arms. “If we’re skinny dipping, these are kind of in the way,” he says, running his hands down my waist to the top of my lacy booty panties.

“Hmm.” I smile.

Then his hands fist the sides, ripping them off and tossing them out of the pool. “That’s better.” His mouth meets mine and his hand goes between my legs, his fingers hitting the perfect spot. My legs wrap around his hips, my arms around his neck, and my head falls back from the stimulation of his fingers. His lips run along my neck, licking and biting their way down to the tops of my breast. He stops and his hand fists my hair, pulling my mouth back to him.

“You have too many clothes on,” I tell him, trying to shove down his boxers. I finally get them off him, wrapping my fist around him and stroking. I bite my lip when two fingers fill me.

“Yes.” I moan. My head falls forward into his shoulder then I'm out of the pool, sitting on the edge. His hands are at my inner thighs, spreading my legs wide, then his mouth is attacking me. “Oh my God,” I whisper, holding his head to me. Right when I know I'm going to come, he stops and pulls me back into the water, impaling me on him. “Asher!” I scream in shock. I feel myself convulse around him.

“I love your pu**y, baby,” he says against my ear. I whimper as he uses his hands on my ass to slam me down onto him. My hands pull his mouth to mine. The kiss is so hungry that when I feel his teeth bite into my lower lip, I lose it.

“I'm going to come,” I say against his mouth, and just as I feel myself starting to fall apart, he lifts me off him and turns me around so I have to grab onto the side of the pool. He slams into me from behind, holding onto my hips using the weightlessness of the water to lift me effortlessly. His hands slide from my waist to my chest, and his fingers roll and pinch my ni**les. His mouth travels from the back of my neck up to my ear.

“You’re gonna make me come, baby. Your tight, wet pu**y is squeezing me and going to make me come. And when I come, I want you to come with me, so I need you to touch yourself for me.”

I nod my head. I don’t have the strength to say anything. When my fingers roll over my clit, my head falls back on his shoulder, my mouth finds his, and then I explode. My body is tingling from head to toe. My fingers dig into the wall at the edge of the pool. My orgasm is so huge that I see stars and can’t breathe. I hear Asher groan behind me and I know that he followed me with his own orgasm. “I don’t know how, but I swear your pu**y gets sweeter every time I f**k you,” he says in a husky whisper right next to my ear.

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