Home > Until November (Until #1)(49)

Until November (Until #1)(49)
Author: Aurora Rose Reynolds

Making early morning plans while drinking is not smart. I made the coffee extra strong and put out aspirin as an appetizer before breakfast. The first person showed up at eight. Asher kissed me and got out of bed. I hid under the covers, hoping that everyone would forget I was even in the house. This only lasted about five minutes. Asher came back into the room and dragged me across the bed then tried to stand me up, but I was playing dead and slumped into him, not even opening my eyes.

“Baby, we gotta make breakfast.” He laughed.

“No, all I want for Christmas is to sleep,” I said, trying to cuddle into his chest.

“You can sleep later,” he said while rubbing my back, but that was making me sleepier.

“I’ll be your bestest friend ever if you let me sleep.” He started laughing harder.

“As much as I want you to be my best friend, I need help making breakfast for everyone. I'm pretty sure that last night you were jumping up and down while clapping, saying how much fun if was going to be to open gifts with everyone this morning.” Crap, I did do that, but that was also after having four cups of eggnog, so I can’t be held accountable for my actions.

“I was drunk. It doesn’t count.”

“Hmm, so all the dirty things you said you wanted me to do to you last night don’t count,” he said, and I shoved my face deeper into his chest, hoping to block him out. I do not want to even think about what a drunk me would say to Asher.

“Don’t worry, baby. Tonight I’ll—”

I cut him off. I didn’t want to know what drunk me said. “I'm awake,” I blurted out. I ran to the bathroom and slammed the door before he could say anything else.

I made baked French toast and bacon. Asher made scrambled eggs that I swear could win awards. He uses whole cream and cheddar cheese. They melt in your mouth and each bite is like heaven. After we all ate, everyone was gathered around the tree. Asher pulled me into his lap so we could open gifts.

I had a hard time finding him something for Christmas, but since he was always on his phone at the job site, going through emails and putting together orders, I decided to get him an ipad mini. That way, he could have a bigger screen and wouldn’t be going blind from looking at the small screen on his phone. Plus, I got him a case that has a built in keyboard, hoping that it would make his life easier when sending email and placing orders. I also got him a few shirts and a New York Yankees baseball hat, not that he loved the Yankees, but I loved him in hats and I'm a New Yorker, so it was necessary.

After everyone finished opening gifts, it took me a minute to realize that Asher didn’t get me anything. I tried not to let this hurt my feelings but it did. He loved the ipad and was still playing with it as people started leaving the living room.

“I'm going to go clean up breakfast,” I mumbled to myself since Asher hadn’t taken his eyes off his new toy since he opened it. I pulled myself up from where I was sitting between his spread legs.

“Can you throw that shit in the closet for me, baby?” he asked, not looking up from the stupid ipad. I was starting to wonder if it was water resistant.

“Sure,” I grumbled. I picked up the stuff that I got him, along with the gifts that I got from our families, to take back to the bedroom. I set my stuff on the bed then carried his crap to the closet. I debated just throwing it in there, but I didn’t want to mess it up.

After about two weeks of me being at Asher’s house, I cleaned out his closet, put all of his laundry away, folded his T-shirts and hung anything that needed to be hung. I also organized all of his shoes. I loved his closet. I turned on the light without even thinking. I set his new shirts on his shelf when I noticed my metal framed mannequin in the corner. I did a double take then saw a huge dressing table in the middle of the room with all my odds and ends on it, including a cool jewelry stand and a standing mirror with swirly legs that looked awesome.

Looking around, I noticed all my clothes and shoes were in his closet and there was a very cool chaise lounge chair in the corner with a small gift box sitting on top of it. My hands started shaking and I looked around, realizing that this was my Christmas gift and it was the most awesome gift that he could have ever given me.

“Do you like it?” I heard him whisper as his arms circled my waist, pulling me back against him.

I couldn’t talk. All I could do was nod my head. I was speechless. When I found my voice, I asked him, “When did you do this? How did you do this?”

“My guys got here a few minutes after we left yesterday. They put up the new shelves, brought in the dressing island and the chair. Your dad and grandma brought over all your stuff and set it up before heading to Ma’s for the party last night.”

“I love it,” I whispered. It was perfect. A dream closet. “Did you pick out the jewelry stand and mirror?”

I felt his silent laughter against my back. “Liz picked them out for you. When I told her what I was doing, she talked my ear off about closets the whole time I was in her store. I will tell you, I don’t know what it is with women and closets, but if the stomach is the way to a man’s heart, a closet is the way to a woman’s.”

I smiled and melted deeper into him. Liz had become a great friend and was slowly becoming more open with us. Except when Trevor was around, but I think that’s because he’s always growling at her. When she ignores him, it pisses him off. When she talks to him, it pisses him off, but when another guy tries to talk to her, that pisses him off even more. He normally ends up storming off, leaving Liz looking completely baffled and me laughing to myself. With the way he looked at her, I knew he was seriously into her. It was like watching a romance in the making, just waiting to see who’s going to break first.

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