Home > Trouble(82)

Author: Samantha Towle


“Mia.” I pat her a little harder, but she’s out, and then I’m dialing 9-1-1, telling them I need an ambulance immediately.


“How’s she doing?”

I stand as Dad approaches. I’m in the waiting room where I’ve been for the past half-hour since we arrived and they left me here, rushing Mia straight off.

“They’re not telling me anything because apparently, I’m not family.” I throw my arms in the air, darting an angry look at the receptionist.

Dad puts his hands on my shoulders, bringing my attention to him. “Technically, we are family.” He gives me a firm look before turning and walking over to the reception desk.

The last thing I want to do is refer to Mia as my step-sister, but if it’ll get me any news on her, I’ll tell them whatever the f**k they need to hear.

I pace around as I watch my dad talk to the receptionist.

He gives a few nods. Says a few things. Another nod. Then he’s walking back toward me.

“What did she say?”

“Just that Mia is currently undergoing tests, and they’re extremely busy tonight so we could be waiting hours before we hear anything.”

“Jesus.” I press my fingers to the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes, trying to settle my rattling emotions. “I just need to see her. Know she’s okay.”

“She’s gonna be fine, son.” His hand squeezes my shoulder. “Looks like we’re gonna be here a while, so I’ll go get us some coffee.”

I nod, and lean back against the wall, my eyes still closed.


A few hours later…

“Mr. Matthews?”

My head jerks up. A woman, mid-thirties, hair tied in a bun and wearing a white coat, stands before me.

“I’m Dr. Packard. You’re Mia Monroe’s family? You came in with her?”

I get to my feet. “Yes. I’m her … her…”

“I’m her step-father,” Dad cuts in, standing beside me. “How is she doing?”

Dr. Packard turns her attention to Dad. I give him a grateful look.

“Mia suffered a small contusion to the head from her fall, nothing too serious, but what was of concern to me after initially examining Mia was that she was showing signs of severe dehydration, and her blood pressure was dangerously low—”

“Severe dehydration?” I say, confused. “What would cause her to be severely dehydrated?” I’m no doctor, but I know severe dehydration isn’t something you just get.

She gives me an uncomfortable glance. Then turns to Dad. “Mr. Matthews…”

“Jim, please.”

“Jim, has Mia ever had any issues in the past? Any problems with food … of any kind?”

“What do you mean – problems with food?” I ask.

Her eyes dart to me again. “You are Mia’s…?”

“Step-brother.” I nearly choke on the words because it couldn’t be farther from the truth. “Jordan. I’m Jordan.”

She clears her throat, turning to me. “Jordan, after examining your step-sister, a few things I discovered brought up a concern.”

“What concern?” My heart leaps out of my chest and starts to sprint down the hall.

“I’m not at liberty to discuss in length, not before speaking to Mia.”

“You asked us for a reason? What is that? You think Mia has a problem with food, so let’s talk about it—” I’m being a dick, I know, but something about this is bothering the f**k out of me. “—what kind of problem? Allergies? A food intolerance? An eating disord—” The words are out of my mouth before I even realize what I’m saying.

And then I realize.

And my eyes close under the wrecking ball of that realization. The way I found her in that motel room stilling my mind into a freeze frame of events. The excessive amount of empty food wrappers. The way there was chocolate smeared on her face as if she’d been gorging on it.

And she’d been throwing up.

She’d been throwing up.

Excessive eating. Throwing up.

Think Jordan. Think…


Fuck, no.

I open my eyes. “You think Mia is bulimic.”

Dr. Packard pushes her hands in her pockets, releasing a slow breath. “There are many signs pointing to that possibility, yes, but like I said, I can’t be sure of anything until I’ve spoken to Mia.”

And my heart leaves the building.

“So talk to her – now.” I gesture down the hall. “I’ll come with you.”

She shakes her head. “That’s not possible at the moment as Mia is sedated, and I—”

“Sedated?” I frown. “Why?”

“Jordan, when Mia came around, she became quite upset. And through the stress of the situation, some other issues arose.” She stops talking as someone passes by.

“What other issues?” I press, wrapping my arms around my chest, trying to hold it together because I’m two seconds away from sprinting down this hall and searching every f**king room until I find her.

Dr. Packard draws her hands together in front of her. “Mia became extremely upset during examination, and due to the stress she was already under, and the dehydration combined, she suffered a seizure.”

“A seizure. Jesus f**kin’ Christ.” I close my eyes on a painful breath, my hands covering my face.

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