Home > Fiancé by Friday (The Weekday Brides #3)(57)

Fiancé by Friday (The Weekday Brides #3)(57)
Author: Catherine Bybee

“Of course I do. Who better to worry than I?”

Neil took his eyes from the road and patted her knee.

“I noticed a diner on the way here. Can I talk you into a real meal?”

He was changing the subject, but the thought of food overrode tomorrow’s worry.

That evening…when his nightmares woke her, she curled around him and soothed him with her words. Unlike the previous evenings, this time he didn’t wake.

Yet she lay awake, listening to the sounds of the forest and wondering if Karen was right. What if they were running from shadows and no one followed them at all?

Chapter Twenty-Two

“I expected a call before today, Mac. Where the hell are you?”

Neil wished to hell that he knew he was making the right call. “Unexpected change of plans.”

“What kind of change?” Rick’s cell phone sounded muffled.

“The kind that makes me hide the woman in my life and stand up and fight.”

“Holy hell. He’s after you? Damn it, Neil. You should have called me. Where are you?”

“Outside Fort Carson. Where are you?”

“Halfway to Dorothy’s house. I stuck around an extra couple days, but when I didn’t hear from you I thought something changed. Thought I’d move on ahead to see what I could about Billy. I’m turning around. Where’s your girl? Hell, I didn’t even know you had one.”

Neil didn’t either. “She’s safe. Have you heard anything else about Mickey? I’m cut off from my contacts.”

“Nothing new on Mickey. His dad said he’s deep behind enemy lines. Not even an ETA when he’ll be back.”

Neil tried to judge Rick’s voice. Nothing alarming stuck out. He was being paranoid about his friend. Something about this whole thing stank and Neil had yet to put his finger on what.

“Bastard bugged my surveillance, Rick. High-quality shit I’ve never seen before. Looked military to me.”

“Who’s behind this, Neil? Raven’s compound was obliterated. No chance anyone ID’d us.”

Neil smoothed down the goatee he’d been growing since he left California. “Has to be someone who knew about the mission. Or found out about it and wants us out.”

“I don’t know, Mac. Sounds too easy. This guy takes things personally.”

“Yeah, well, he’s gotten too personal for me. Time to reverse the stakes.”

Rick laughed. “Have a plan, do you?”

“Don’t I always?”

“I’ll drive all night, but it’s still gonna take me a day and a half to get to you.”

With any luck, the new Raven was headed in the wrong direction right now. Plenty of time to bait the trap. “Just get here. Call this number when you’re in town.”

“Stay alert, Mac. Looking forward to meeting your woman. Anyone willing to put up with you is right by me.”


“Back at ya.”

Neil hung up and stared at the phone. His woman! Yeah, the term was primal and caveman…but it felt right.

For the first time in years, he slept the night through. There was a dream in there somewhere but it hadn’t woke him. There was no doubt in his mind his woman was the reason why he slept.

Now it was time to find the ivory tower and place her into it for safekeeping. Then maybe, when everything was washed clean of ravens and death, he could figure out where the two of them fit in the real world.

Neil dialed another number. One he never thought he’d ever use again. “Major Blayney. It’s MacBain. I need your help.”

An hour and a half later Neil drove through security at the base with only a flash of his ID and a smile. Driving through the gates secured by armed guards was the only thing close to the ivory tower Neil needed for Gwen.

“I’ve never been on a military base before,” Gwen said as she peered out the window. In typical military style, there wasn’t a lot of detail or soft lines and landscape. Shades of green and gray painted the surfaces of large buildings. Government-issued jeeps and Humvees drove around the base or were parked in massive lots. “Did you live here?”

“With my dad. And again prior to my last six months as a marine.”

The buildings on base spread thin and the housing for the enlisted men sprouted in small neighborhoods. A few kids milled about this part of the base. Basketball hoops and bicycles were unattended in the yards.

“The houses all look the same.”

“They are. Two or three bedrooms. If you’re lucky you might get a second bathroom.”

Gwen was perched on the edge of her seat, fascinated. “I don’t think I’d care for a carbon copy life of my neighbors.”

“Individuality is worked out of you in boot camp. Comes back when you find your direction. But you learn to take orders.”

Gwen frowned at him. “I can’t see you taking orders.”

“I took my share.” He gave orders better than he took them. “Everything you need is on base. There’s a grocery store, drugstore…hospital, and a church. They even have a pizza parlor that delivers, burger joints. Couple of bars.”

“Everything one needs.”

“Everything.” Neil drove past the smaller houses and up a hill surrounded by trees. It hadn’t changed. Not even a downed tree.

They approached a three-story whitewashed house at the top of the hill that overlooked the base. “This is Charlie and Ruth’s home,” Neil said to Gwen. “Chuck offered to help us out.”

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