Home > The Only One(32)

The Only One(32)
Author: Lauren Blakely

Her eyes pin me with a searing, honest look that tells me this is part of how we navigate the new terrain. “Yes, of course,” I say, and then I cup the back of her head, threading my hand in her hair, and I kiss her possessively.

Perhaps more possessively than usual.

I might even dip her, bring her chest to mine, and rope an arm around her back as my lips claim hers. Quite possibly I consider biting her. I find the will to resist somehow.

When we break the kiss, she blinks then brushes her hand down her shirt. “Are you marking me?”

With narrowed eyes, I nod. “Perhaps I am.”

She laughs, curls her dog’s leash tighter around her hand, then says, “Duly noted. And now it’s time for me to chat with donors.”

“Go,” I say, encouragingly. I return to the food tents, chat with the servers and the cooks, and jump in from time to time to help serve. I say hello to the attendees, make conversation, and do everything possible to ensure the event is a huge success.

By all accounts it is, judging from the sheer number of people, and dogs, and happy faces. Penny is in the midst of it with her little butterscotch dog, who is quite the ambassador for the shelter. They both mingle with the attendees and a burst of pride suffuses me.

This is her element. Her love. Her passion. I’m lucky enough to watch her in action and witness the impact she has on other dog lovers. I couldn’t be happier to have my restaurant connected with her event, and as the festivities start to wind down, I make my way out of the tent and across the lawn, chatting with some of my business associates on the way.

I stop when I see a tall and broad man make his way to Penny. He’s out of place, wearing slacks, and a button-down when nearly everyone is casual. His hair is cropped short, military-style almost. And I hate instantly that women flock to him. His lopsided grin and the way a handful of ladies check him out tell me he isn’t hurting in that department.

When he makes a beeline for Penny, I tilt my head, studying them.

I can’t make out their conversation from this many feet away. I remind myself it’s not my place to interfere, and I keep moving through the crowds, spotting a familiar burnished dog and the redhead with her.

Ah, Nicole.

She leans close to Delaney, and they have that protective shoulder-to-shoulder stance women take when they look out for their own. Delaney’s fists are clenched, and as I walk behind them, their words are like a jolt of electricity.

“I’m so glad she didn’t marry that ass,” Delaney hisses to Nicole.

“So glad she didn’t marry Captain Asshole,” Nicole seconds.

Let me revise that.

More like an electric shock.

Chapter Fifteen


With his fancy duds, Gavin is out of place. But the man always loved looking the part of the player. Of the smooth, suave New York man-about-town.

Or the sky, really.

When we were together, he played up the whole sexy pilot angle every chance he had. And it worked on me for a while.

Now, he does nothing for me. But he’s one of our regular donors, and despite his inability to keep his dick in his pants, he’s done a lot to help the dogs, and all of our biggest supporters were invited to attend today.

Funny how you might want to despise someone but can’t, since he isn’t all bad. Gavin was a regular thousand-dollar-a-month donor before we dated, and he has continued to give freely after we split. His job makes it impossible for him to have pets, so he has chosen to give to my shelter instead.

“How’s everything going in the friendly skies?” I ask, trying to keep it light as I shield my eyes.

“Totally great,” he says in a smooth, confident tone as he takes off his aviator shades and hooks them on the neck of his button-down. “I picked up a new international route to Paris, and one to Vienna. I’ve been trying to take advantage of all the great culture in those cities.”

I bet he has. “You can’t beat Europe for culture. What’s been your favorite thing so far?” I ask, keeping up the small talk.

“I’d have to say Paris,” he says, and as he talks my mind drifts to Gabriel, and to how much I want to explore the world with him. He has such an adventuresome spirit, and it pairs perfectly with my own.

“But I have to say, being there reminded me of one thing.”

“What’s that?” I ask nicely, trying to stay engaged.

Gavin steps closer, inches away from me. At my feet, Shortcake lets out a low growl. We’re away from the crowd, standing near an oak tree on a grassy knoll.

“It’s okay, girl,” I say to my dog, then look up at Gavin again. He’s still as handsome as ever with his green eyes, square jaw, and broad shoulders. But he’s only empirically attractive. He might have a heart for animals, but he hasn’t yet learned how to treat women.

“What’s on my mind is why you didn’t answer my email. That’s why I came here today.”

Oh no. I dig my heels into the ground and square my shoulders. I don’t want to get into something with him. “Gavin, I didn’t answer your email because it’s over with us.”

He nods like he understands, but then clasps his hands together in a plea. “But what about a second chance? Do you believe in second chances?”

I scrunch my forehead as if he’s crazy. I believe in them so much he’d be shocked. But not between us, and I’m surprised he has the audacity to show up with that line. “In this case, no. I don’t believe in second chances. Not after the way we ended,” I say, keeping my tone even. Truthfully, if we weren’t here in public, I’d have some choice words for him. I’d let him know precisely where he could stick his wandering one-eyed monster. But he’s not worth putting the event at risk. “Gavin, I appreciate all you do for the shelter, but I hope you can understand that it’s over with us.”

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