Home > Running Mate(80)

Running Mate(80)
Author: Katie Ashley

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts. “Come in,” I called as I went to grab my sequined evening bag off the vanity table.

The door swung open to reveal Barrett in a jet-black tux and tails. His eyes flared as his gaze swept over me from head to toe and my skin tingled under his appraisal. Even though it’d only been a little over fourteen hours since we’d last been intimate, an ache of desire spread between my thighs, causing me to shift my legs.

“You look…” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. “Wow.”

I grinned as I crossed the room toward him. “Why, kind sir, don’t put yourself out with such a long list of compliments,” I teased.

Barrett reached around to smack me on the ass. “You should feel honored that your astounding beauty rendered me speechless.”

“Momentarily speechless.” I pressed myself flush against Barrett’s body while my hands encircled his neck. “I am grateful. I’m grateful that such a devastatingly handsome man with a rocking body finds me so gorgeous.”

A pleased smile twitched on Barrett’s lips. “I guess that means you like my white tie and tails.”

With a nod, I replied, “You make that tux look good, baby.”

“I’m glad to hear you like it.” His eyes dropped from mine to once again take in my appearance. “Damn, that’s some dress you’re wearing.”

“I’ll make sure to give your compliments to Mr. Valentino.”

“Tell him extra thanks for giving you a neckline that shows off your tits.”

I tugged the strands of hair at the base of Barrett’s neck in a playful warning. “Don’t say tits in front of my dress.”

“Oh excuse me, I didn’t realize it would get so offended.”

“It’s very refined.”

“I’d call it a prude if it didn’t show off your tits so nicely.”

I laughed. “You are totally hopeless.”

Amusement twinkled in blue eyes. “I know. It’s a good thing I have the love of an amazing woman to save me.”

His words instantly melted my heart. “I love you so very much, Barrett.”

Barrett’s response to my declaration was to bring his lips to mine. At first, the kiss was soft and heartfelt, but like the flickers of a growing flame, it became much more passionate. Our tongues tangled together as I tugged my fingers through Barrett’s hair.

When Barrett ran his hand up my ribcage to cup my breast, I momentarily froze. It wasn’t that I didn’t welcome his touch or that I thought it was inappropriate for him to be groping me in my ball gown; it was more about the fact that I had just remembered there was a Secret Service agent standing in the doorway. Sure, he had his back to us, but it was totally mood-killing.

Barrett abruptly ended our kiss and pulled away. “What’s wrong?”

I motioned my head over his shoulder. “We have an audience,” I whispered.

He grinned. “I guess that means you’re not into having someone watch us have sex.”

Blood rushed to my face. “No I am not!” I sputtered indignantly as I shoved Barrett away.

“Okay, okay. Voyeuristic sex goes off the list.”

“It sure as hell does. Public places maybe, but never with an audience.”

Barrett’s hands came to cup my cheeks. “I’d be happy with just the missionary position as long as I got to have sex with you.”

An unladylike snort escaped me. “Like you would ever be satisfied with just the missionary position.”

“Mr. Callahan?” an unknown staffer questioned behind us.


“Your parents are waiting on you in the Yellow Room.”

Barrett nodded. “Tell them we’ll be right there.”

Once the staffer scurried off, Barrett held out his arm for me. “Come, Miss Monroe. We have balls to attend.” In true Barrett fashion, he leaned over to whisper into my ear, “Of course, I would much rather you being attending to my balls.”

“You’re so crude.”

“Like when you suck one into your warm, wet mouth while you pump my cock in your hand.”

I whimpered as his words sent heat shooting between my legs. “Yellow Room, now,” I murmured.

Barrett snickered. “Thinking my parents will be the cool down you need?”

I grinned at him. “It’s more like I’m going to need to step outside onto the Truman Balcony to let the frigid temperatures cool me off.”

After meeting up with Barrett’s parents and siblings in the Yellow Room—one of the oval sitting rooms in the family residence—we made our way downstairs, where a wall of Secret Service agents closed in around us as we piled into the second bulletproof limousine behind James and Jane. Thorn and two of his Army buddies rode along with us, as did Caroline, who kept giving Ty longing looks. Who could blame her? He was gorgeous with a sexy British accent.

When we got out of the limo at the hotel, flashbulbs momentarily blinded me. Even after all my time on the campaign, I didn’t think I would ever get used to the media and their cameras. As the fake fiancée/real girlfriend of the First Son, I was going to have to get used to them being an unwanted part of my life. As long as they didn’t catch me accidentally flashing my boobs or my ass, I would be okay, although it did kinda suck not getting to have a say in what pictures of you were splashed across the front of newspapers and magazines.

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