Home > Racing the Sun(51)

Racing the Sun(51)
Author: Karina Halle

“And take it fast in private?” I ask with a bat of my eyelashes.

“And hard and long and rough.” He punctuates this by biting my neck and letting out a low, primal groan. “Bella, bella, bella.”

I ignore the heat flaring between my legs again, obviously ready for another round. This situation might be harder to juggle than I thought.

Still, sex with Derio has got to be worth any complication.

At least, as we walk out into the hall, back to the way we were before, that’s what I have to tell myself.


Even though I had the best intentions when I told the twins that I—well, we—would take them to the beach, I regretted it the moment we stepped foot on the hot, smooth pebbles.

Yes, walking from the villa all the way to the funicular and then waiting in line with throngs of tourists and then nearly getting hit by errant taxi cabs at Marina Grande and then trying to find a spot on a beach packed with bodies was annoying, albeit totally expected. But what I didn’t see coming was how hard it was to keep my hands off of Derio now, especially when he stripped down to that goddamn Speedo again.

It wasn’t just my eyes that were constantly roving all over his body but the eyes of all the women on the beach. I felt proud, not threatened, that he had fucked me earlier on his desk and fucked me good, but it really didn’t help that I just wanted to run my hands all over his tight body. He was more naked now than he had been in the office.

“You are good?” he asks me as he settles on his towel. We’re both lying on our sides, facing each other. The twins gathered a few water toys and are splashing in the clear shallows near a bunch of other kids. I hope that maybe they’ll hit it off and play together.

“I’m good,” I tell him. “I can’t stop staring at you, though.”

He gives me a cocky grin and looks down at his body. He places his hand on his bulge and momentarily rubs it. I immediately get a lady boner from the sight, wishing I were the one rubbing him.

“That’s not fair,” I whisper.

He does it again and closes his eyes briefly, his lips parted. Holy fucking shit, can he not touch himself in public? I’m going to fucking die.

I look around me. So far no one is paying attention, as most people are succumbing to the heat and lying on the ground like limp noodles.

But Derio, of course, is the opposite of limp. He now has a full-blown hard-on inside that Speedo and it’s barely being contained.

“My God, what did I awaken in you?” I say, leaning in closer to him and almost shielding his body in case someone walks by close to us.

“What did I awaken in you?” he asks and reaches over, slipping his fingers down the front of my bikini until they sink between my cleft. “You seem ready to go.” He edges closer to me, his finger sinking in deeper. “Bravissima,” he says through a ragged breath.

With the sun searing my shoulders and my body drowsy with heat, his fingers feel impossibly good. I want nothing more than to close my eyes and give in to him. But at any moment, if anyone at all walked past us, they would see something entirely inappropriate. I know Italy is really relaxed and all—there are topless breasts on every beach—but I’m pretty sure public hand jobs are frowned upon.

“Relax,” he hisses softly. “No one is coming. Except you.”

I laugh then gasp as he comes even closer, his finger finding purchase deep inside. We’re close to each other now but he continues to stare at me, his head propped up on his hand while his other one goes to work.

“Keep looking at me,” he says as my head wants to flop backward. “Pretend nothing is going on.” He leans in closer, his gaze on my lips. “I wish my tongue were my fingers. I wish I could taste you from the inside.”

Oh God. Where did this man come from? What happened to the brooding, sulking, silent guy? Not that I’m complaining. At all. No, I might never complain again.

I suck in my breath as he draws his fingers out and then starts rubbing my clit in small concentric circles. He’s barely moving at all but I’m feeling everything.

“Look at me,” he whispers again and I’m forced to meet his eyes. They are glittering in the sunlight, burning with intensity. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on. I want to come but I also want to wrap my hands around that long dick of his and make him come, too.

He must have followed my gaze because he suddenly applies firmer pressure and just like that it’s a trigger and I’m the bomb.

The orgasm rocks through me, but he’s grabbing my face with his other hand. “Look at me,” he says and I’m forced to meet his eyes. The cry strangles in my throat and my mouth drops open as I ride the wave. It takes everything I have to keep my body as still and quiet as possible—my pulse feels like it’s trying to rip out of my skin, and my muscles cramp up to keep my limbs from jerking, but through it all I stare into his brown eyes, lost in the flecks of gold and black that make them rich and bright.

“You are like the sunrise when you come,” he whispers to me when I begin to calm down. “All this light, chasing away the dark.” He slowly, deliberately removes his hand and then sticks his finger in his mouth, drawing it out leisurely. “Dolce.”

I blink at him, taking in a deep breath, and slowly look over my shoulder. No one is staring at us. We weren’t caught. Derio looks down at his erection and then grins at me. “Unfortunately, this can’t be dealt with out here,” he says. He’s right about that. Even the water is crowded with people.

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