Home > No Bad Days (The Fisher Brothers #1)(75)

No Bad Days (The Fisher Brothers #1)(75)
Author: J. Sterling

“I’ve always wanted to see Italy,” I said with a grin. “I’ll go with you, Ryan.”

Ryan leaned across the bar and placed his hand on my arm. “We’d have the best time, sweetheart,” he said.

“Hands off my woman,” Nick said in a threatening growl. “I don’t care who you are.”

Ryan removed his hand slowly, his fingers lingering as he dragged them away, and I fought off a laugh.

Rachel squeezed my thigh under the bar. “That was hot. A little crazy, but totally hot,” she whispered.

“You like crazy.” I rolled my eyes, and she nodded.

“I’d better go,” Rachel said almost an hour later. “I’m exhausted, and I have to work tomorrow. ’Bye, guys,” she shouted before they each stopped to tell her good night and to drive safe.

Rachel hadn’t found the job of her dreams yet, so she was currently working at an upscale boutique. But working in retail meant that she worked on weekends and most nights. It was part of the reason why we didn’t get to see each other as often as we wanted. Our schedules tended to clash more than they meshed, even though my job was Monday through Friday and normal business hours, for the most part.

I’d gotten an entry-level position at one of the big studios in town. It wasn’t my dream job, by any means, but it was in my dream department, movie production. I had my foot in the door and was able to meet people I’d otherwise never get the chance to. I was grateful and I worked hard, putting in overtime without complaint whenever they asked.

“You have to work? Why didn’t you say anything?” I whined before pulling her into a hug, not wanting to let her go.

“Because I wanted to see you. I miss you,” she said with a pout. “And it’s always fun to hang out here.” She smiled as she walked out the back door, and I found myself missing her already.

I agreed wholeheartedly. It was fun. My life, my relationship, the bar, it was all perfect.

Nick walked over, his hand extended as he waited for me to hand over my car keys. This was our routine whenever I came to the bar and stayed until closing. I’d drive here, let loose and have some drinks, and he’d drive us home, completely sober.

“Let’s go, babe.” He wrapped his arm around my midsection and pulled me tight against his side.

“Wait!” Ryan called out, and we both stopped walking. “You’re not even going to give me a hug good-bye?”

I laughed before wiggling out of Nick’s grip, which had tightened the second Ryan started teasing him.

“Night, Ryan!” When I squeezed his broad shoulders, he picked me up and twirled me around, just to get a rise out of Nick.

“Night, Frank,” I said before giving his giant body a hug as well. It was far less dramatic hugging Frank than it was hugging Ryan.

I was back in Nick’s arms within seconds, my body melding to his because that was where it belonged, that was where I fit.

“You ready to go home now?” Nick asked. “I’m tired.”

I nodded, practically drooling at the thought of crawling into our bed with him and closing my eyes, snuggled in his arms.

Home was where Nick was, where we lived together. And I never wanted it any other way.

The End

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