Home > Hit the Spot (Dirty Deeds #2)(123)

Hit the Spot (Dirty Deeds #2)(123)
Author: J. Daniels


“But …” I tilted my head. I didn’t understand. “Why?”

“Why?” His brows lifted.

“Yeah. Why? I walked out. I cussed at you and I left. Why aren’t you angry with me?”

“Nine days, Legs. Straight up, I’ve been in hell,” Jamie shared. “You show up here lookin’ like that, all done up for me and holding a pie you didn’t need to make considerin’ Jenna supplied dessert this time, meanin’ you made that pie for me and no one else, you do all that, I’m gonna hear you out, babe. Not just ’cause you’re workin’ for it, but also ’cause I messed up. Honest? This should’ve been me. I’m the one who should’ve been comin’ to you. I never should’ve let you walk out. And I never, hear me, babe, I never should’ve made you think that what you were feelin’ meant nothin’. Didn’t realize that’s what I was doin’ at the time, but I get that now. Those nine days are on me.”

I inhaled sharply through my nose. It tingled.

“I overreacted,” I said firmly, needing him to know this.

“You reacted, Legs. Felt somethin’ and you shared it.” Jamie argued. “And I’m guessin’ you understand now where I was coming from, but I should’ve answered that question. It’s you, babe. Never had nothin’ like this. Never had nothin’ even close. And never will again. I know that. I should’ve claimed you so the whole fuckin’ world knows you’re mine. That’s on me.”

“Jamie,” Jenna hissed as Olivia and Oliver giggled at the profanity.

I felt the tears brimming again. He wanted to do that, I saw it in his eyes, and even though I loved Jamie for it, he didn’t need to. I knew that now.

“I don’t need you to do that, Jamie,” I said. “This is what matters to me. You doing this here, in this room. And at the hospital in front of my parents. And to your sister outside a bar. That’s what matters. I never should’ve walked out. I never should’ve screamed at you the way I did. I should have known what mattered and I didn’t. I ruined this. I ruined everything.”

“You’re here, babe. I’m over it,” he returned. The corner of his perfect mouth lifting.

It was perfect. He was perfect. And mine. Maybe …

Was he?

I shook my head, falling apart. “I messed up,” I cried, wiping at my face. “And I know I’m going to mess up again. And you’re going to get sick of it and get over me and I’m never gonna get over you. I won’t. And then I’ll turn into some stalker you can’t get rid of. You’re going to have to get a restraining order. And honestly, I’m not even sure that’ll keep me away. I’ll be showing up at Wax all the time and your house. I know I will.”

I heard muffled laughter coming from the table. My head snapped in that direction and my tear-filled eyes narrowed.

“I’m serious!” I exclaimed, looking between their smiling faces, mainly the girls. Cole and Brian seemed to be focused on their food and unconcerned with the drama. “I have no problem admitting right now how psycho I’m gonna be. I love him!” I shared.

“We don’t doubt that, sweetie,” Syd replied, looking on the verge of laughter again.

“Legs,” Jamie called, drawing my head back around. He smiled when he got me. “You wanna stalk my entire life, you go right ahead, babe. I’d welcome it. But just know, you show up at my place and I ain’t there, I’m most likely staking out your place if I ain’t already inside it.”

My eyes flickered wider as more muted laughter came from the table. I ignored them this time.

“You’re mine. And I’m yours, Jamie. And I promise, I am never getting over you,” I shared again, speaking louder and clearer, needing this to stick over everything else, especially the stalking stuff.

Jamie’s mouth relaxed. His eyes turned soft.

“Are you ever getting over me?” I asked him.

He grinned big. “Not a fuckin’ chance.”

“For God’s sakes,” Jenna scolded, just as more little giggles erupted from Oliver and Olivia. “No repeating that. I mean it,” she added, speaking to her children, I was sure.

“I’m comin’ to you,” Jamie warned. “Done waitin’. You hold up your hand, I’m ignorin’ it.”

I smiled through my tears. No way was I holding up my hand. Not a chance.

“You ready, girl?” he asked.

“I’m ready.”

Then he came to me, getting halfway before I closed the distance by leaping into the air and into his arms.

I would always give back. I was with Jamie. Now and always. We were in this together.

“I never had nothing like this either. Only you,” I said against Jamie’s ear as Syd, Kali, Jenna, and Olivia clapped and cheered us on while the guys focused on eating.

Jamie’s arms tightened around me. I felt his head turn and his breath against my cheek.

“Packin’ your shit today, babe. Soon as we’re done eatin’,” Jamie said.

“’Kay,” I replied.

“Lowerin’ your askin’ price, too,” he added. “Want that house sellin’ so you can’t leave me again.”

I never planned on leaving Jamie again so I liked the sound of that.

“We’ll call your dad tomorrow,” I suggested.

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