Home > Girl Online (Girl Online #1)(49)

Girl Online (Girl Online #1)(49)
Author: Zoe Sugg, Siobhan Curham

“After you, ma’am,” he says, gesturing to me to sit down.

Noah sits down across from me and opens the hamper. He takes out a flask and a couple of cups. Then two plates and some really fancy cutlery and various parcels wrapped in tinfoil. I watch, my mouth watering, as he unwraps the parcels to reveal a selection of beautiful handmade canapés and chocolate-covered strawberries and fairy cakes. Then finally he pulls out two candles and a book of matches. “This must be Sadie Lee’s idea,” he says with a grin. “That woman’s such a romantic.”

He lights the candles and we sit there for a moment, grinning at each other, then looking away.

“I was hoping it would be a clear night,” Noah says, staring up at the dark sky. “I was hoping we’d be able to see the moon again.”

“It doesn’t matter. This is perfect.”

Way down below us I can hear the noise of New York but we’re so far up that the sirens and horns could almost be as soft as birdsong.

“I was thinking,” Noah says, unscrewing the flask. Steam spirals up from it into the cold air. “Maybe we could write each other once you get back home—and Skype—and instant message?” He looks at me and sighs. “Look, Penny, I wish you weren’t going tomorrow.”

I instantly grin. Sadie Lee obviously hasn’t told him that we’re staying. I wonder if she deliberately left it for me to tell him.

“There’s no need to look so happy about it,” Noah says, shaking his head.

“I’m not,” I say, my grin getting even wider.

“Really? You could have fooled me!”

“I’m not happy because I’m leaving—I’m happy because I’m not leaving. Not tomorrow, anyway. My mum’s been asked to organize a party, here in New York, the day before New Year’s Eve. We’re staying here till the new year!”

Noah’s mouth drops open. “You’re kidding?”


He beckons to me across the picnic blanket. “Come here.”

I get onto my knees and shuffle toward him. As soon as I’m close enough, he grabs one of my hands. I feel giddy with anticipation.

“And do you want to know the best bit?” I say.

“That isn’t the best bit?”

I shake my head. “No, the best bit is Sadie Lee’s invited us to spend Christmas with you!”

Noah starts to laugh. “Yep, that’s definitely the best bit.” Then his expression goes all serious. He looks at me and I feel a weird tugging in the pit of my stomach. “So . . .” he says.

“So . . .” I echo back, my heart pounding.

He’s so close I can see a tiny fleck of ink on the side of his face. His hand closes tighter around mine and this automatically pulls me even closer, until our faces are just centimeters apart. He’s going to kiss me! Is he going to kiss me? What should I do? I close my eyes to try to block out any panicky thoughts. And then I feel his lips on mine—as light as a feather—and I feel myself kissing him back. Somehow, miraculously, I seem to know what to do. And then he lets go of my hand and I feel his strong arms wrapping around me, pulling me even closer. As the kiss gets more intense, I feel as if I’m melting into him.

And then my phone starts to ring. I let it go to voicemail while Noah hugs me tight.

“See, I told you—you are my inciting incident,” he says softly.

I nod and we break apart, although I notice we’re still sitting with our legs touching. “I’d better just check my phone,” I say, worried that Dad might be having a freak-out that I’ve gone off with Noah.

But the missed call is from Elliot. I go to my voicemail to retrieve his message.

“Penny! Where are you? Your mum says you’ve sneaked off somewhere with Prince Charming. Can you please, please come back ASAP? Bring him too; I’m sure the Bradys won’t mind. There’s been a catastrophe. My stupid parents won’t let me stay on—they’re making me fly home for Christmas—alone—can you believe it?!” There’s a short silence, during which my heart starts to sink. “Unless of course . . . Penny, would you come home with me?”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

I guess my shock and horror must be obvious, because as soon as I put my phone back in my bag I see Noah staring at me, worried.

“What’s up?” he says. “You look as if someone just told you Santa doesn’t exist—he does, by the way, that’s just a vicious rumor made up by adults to spoil our fun.”

I laugh but it comes out really forced. “It’s my friend Elliot,” I say. “He’s got to go home tomorrow. His parents won’t let him stay on. They want him home for Christmas.”

Noah sighs. “That sucks.”

We both sit back down and Noah picks up the flask. “Sweet tea?”

I nod, even though I don’t really know what “sweet tea” is. All I can think of is Elliot’s question—will I go home with him? I feel totally torn. Much as I hate the thought of Elliot having to fly home on his own, I hate the thought of leaving Mum and Dad and Noah even more.

Noah passes me a cup and I take a sip. It’s not like any kind of tea I’ve had before. It’s citrusy and sweet, kind of like hot lemonade.

“This is lovely,” I say.

“Another of Sadie Lee’s specialties,” Noah replies. “In South Carolina, where she’s from, they drink it all the time in the summer, with ice. This is her New York winter version.”

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