Home > Elicit (Eagle Elite #4)(82)

Elicit (Eagle Elite #4)(82)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“So—” “Trace clasped her hands together. “—here we are.”

“Yeah.” I licked my dry lips. “Here we are.”

The parking lot was littered with Mercedes’ and black SUVs were parked outside.

“I’ll get in the driver’s seat so we have a fast getaway.”

“Right.” I snorted. “Like in the movies.”

Trace smiled sadly. “Yeah.”

“Love you.” I hugged her quickly and hopped out of the car as she whispered, “Love you.”

My boots clicked against the pavement as I made my way towards the door. With a deep breath I pushed against the metal handle and let myself inside. No going back now.

It sounded like a hive of bees as the talking buzzed around me. I walked further into the room. Long rectangular tables were lined in a large U. Coffee and tea sat in pots on each table. Black cloths were blanketed over everything. If I wasn’t in a warehouse I’d think we were in a restaurant.

I cleared my throat. The talking ceased as all eyes fell to me.

I offered a simple shrug and walked up to Nixon holding out his phone. “Figured you may need this.”

He frowned taking the phone from my hands. “I wouldn’t have answered my phone anyway, Mo, you know that.”

“Yeah, but I’m your sister.” I smacked him upside the head for effect. “I worry.”

A few of the men chuckled while others whispered, “Women.”

Nixon didn’t miss a beat he took in my dark clothing and glanced down at my tall boots, a flicker of silver must have caught his eye as he froze and then met my gaze. “What game are you playing at, sister?”

“My favorite,” I whispered. “Hunters and foxes.”

He nodded once then turned. “Gentleman, I’ll be sure she leaves before the meeting starts.”

They waved him off while I walked over to one of the tables and poured myself some coffee.

A hand shot out to touch mine. “My, my, look how you cleaned up.”

Alfonso’s voice made my blood run cold. I jerked away from his grasp and sneered, “Looks like they invited everyone to this party hmm?”

“Only the important ones were invited, the filth just arrived.” He lit his cigar and leaned back in his chair. I seriously almost punched him across the face, instead I rolled my eyes and grabbed my full cup and moved back towards Nixon. Lifting the cup to my lips, I scanned the room, taking in each solid detail. The Campisi’s were seated at the head of the table; Tex was standing near them, but wasn’t speaking. The Nicolasi clan was to the right of The Campisi Family and the other three, Alferos, De Langes, and my family were to the left. Nixon and Chase were talking in hushed tones while the men all laughed and pretended like the world wasn’t ending.

Any minute now, Tex.

Any minute.

He had to strike before the meeting. But he also had to get them scattered better, at this point he’d have to kill by going down a line of men which meant he’d be shot before he got to man number two.

Crap. I set my coffee on a nearby table and shrugged out of my jacket. I was prepared for the worst. With a yawn I stretched my arms above my head and then popped my neck gaining some of the attention from the men in front. When I reached for my coffee, I clumsily dropped it to the floor. It shattered on contact, with a curse I knelt down low, my top dipped giving every man in front of me an adequate view of my br**sts.

Chairs slid back and in an instant I had several associates helping me pick up the pieces of my broken cup.

“Careful.” One of the men helped me back to my feet. “We wouldn’t want to get blood on your clothes.”

“It is hard to get out.” I nodded innocently.

“Yes, it is.” He said gruffly his eyes scanning me from head to toe. “It really is.” Gross, he was over twice my age and balding. I offered a sweet smile. “Thank you so much, all of you for helping, I’m so sorry, I feel stupid.”

“No, no.” Another man’s hand shot out and gripped my wrist. “It is no problem.” His accent was thick, almost thicker than Alfonso’s. If my count was right, I’d pulled at least three of the Campisi targets away from Tex. It had to be enough. Dear God let it be enough.

Something slammed against one of the tables. I looked up into Tex’s eyes as he leaned over menacingly. “I’d like to call this meeting to order.”

Alfonso sputtered, turned red, then pushed away from his table. “Only the Cappo Di Cappo can call the meeting to order.”

Tex’s lips pulled into a predatory smile. “I just did.”

Alfonso’s eyes narrowed. “It has not yet been decided.”

“So let’s decide now.” Tex strolled around the tables then took center stage, holding his hands in the air. “After all, not only did you try to kidnap me, and murder me and Nixon’s sister, but you put ten million freaking dollars on my head.” He threw his head back and laughed. “The family’s worth five times that, if not more.” He grinned tauntingly. “Which means only one thing… you don’t have access to the funds because my father never named you in the first place. You’re here because I allow it, you breathe, because I allow it, you live because I allow it.”

The bosses stood… Luca, Nixon, Mil, Frank and started pacing.

“You,” Alfonso spat pointing his finger at Tex. “Are cursed, an abomination, you should have never been born!”

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