Home > Chance Encounters(35)

Chance Encounters(35)
Author: J. Sterling

“Please don’t go,” Caroline pleaded.

Sally stopped and looked at her. “I don’t belong here any more. I never did.”

Caroline’s eyes widened, her mouth agape. “Yes, you do. If anyone doesn’t belong here, it’s me.”

“But he loves you, not me. Trust me, I’ve been reminded of that fact on more than one occasion,” Sally insisted, deep sorrow evident in her eyes.

“But you love him. Please stay,” Caroline insisted.

Sally sat back down in the chair and looked at Caroline with surprise.

“Thank you.” Caroline’s face relaxed. “I’m sure it hasn’t been easy for you the past couple of months. I’ve been a complete idiot, but you…you’ve done nothing wrong…”

“…except fall in love with the wrong guy.” Sally’s voice quivered as she fought back tears.

Caroline walked over to the fragile girl and gently squeezed her hand. “Or the right one. I am really sorry for everything. I hope one day you can forgive me.”

Sally took a long, deep breath before she looked into Caroline’s tired eyes. “It means a lot to me that you care.”

“It means a lot to me that you don’t want to kill me,” Caroline joked and raised her eyebrows.

“Oh, don’t worry. I do,” Sally remarked with a quick laugh.

“Just make sure it’s quick and painless, please. Not a big fan of pain,” Caroline shot back through clenched teeth.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Sally’s eyes locked with Caroline’s for an uncomfortable beat, then she shrugged and smiled.

Waves of relief washed over Caroline as the tension began to alleviate. “I’m exhausted and I could really use a coffee. Can I get you one?”

“T””hat would be nice. Thank you.”

Caroline smiled and headed out the door. She surprised herself by finding the cafeteria without getting lost. She took a tentative sip of her coffee and closed her eyes tightly, enjoying the bold flavor that rushed through her.

She balanced the two scalding hot cups with her hands as her hip bumped against the door. It finally budged and she scooted quickly through the opening. “I wasn’t sure how you took it, so I brought some cream and sugar.” She handed Sally one of the steaming cups.

“Thanks again,” Sally said as she grabbed two of the sugar packets. “I get it now.”

“Get what?” Caroline cocked her head to the left and narrowed her eyes.

“Why he couldn’t get over you. The way you looked at him when you walked into the room tonight. I’ve known Jackson my whole life, and I’ve never heard him talk about any girl the way he talks about you.”

Her heart soared within her chest, but she didn’t let it show. “It took me getting that phone call to realize where I was supposed to be,” Caroline freely admitted.

“He said you have a fiancé, right?” Sally glanced down at Caroline’s ring finger, which still bore the enormous diamond ring Clay had given her.

“Yeah. But I did just walk out of my own engagement party to come here.” Caroline shrugged.

“No, you didn’t? Did you really?” Sally’s mouth was agape.

“I did.”

“Guess leaving him at the engagement party is better than leaving him at the altar, right?”

The smile dropped from Caroline’s face almost immediately as the weight of Sally’s words crashed around her.

“Oh gosh, Caroline, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.” Sally put her hand over her heart and furrowed her brow.

“No. I know. It’s just…” An awful awareness surged through Caroline. “What kind of person walks out of their own engagement party?”

“The kind that isn’t happy to be there?” Sally remarked.

Caroline’s hand covered her mouth as her eyes closed. “I’m a terrible person,” she said under her breath.

Sally hesitated before adding, “No, you’re not, but can I ask you something?”

“Of course.” Caroline nodded.

“Do you love him?” Sally’s gaze turned toward Jackson’s still form.

Without hesitation, Caroline proclaimed, “I do.”

“He’s a really great guy. I’d tell you not to break his heart, but you’ve already done that, so…” The girls’ laughter echoed through the room as Tommy and Alex walked back in.

“How long are you staying, anyway?” Tommy asked in Caroline’s direction, his tone still clearly annoyed.

“I don’t know? I hadn’t even thought about it really. A few days, I guess?” She realized she hadn’t thought this trip through very well.

Tommy groaned and Alex hit him in the arm. “Caroline, don’t listen to him. It’s good that you’re here.” Alex smiled.

“Where are his parents?” Caroline asked.

“Mr. Parks took the missus back home to get some rest and grab some of their things. They’re going to stay in the hotel across the street for a while. They should be back later.” Alex stared at Jackson.

“How long can we stay?” Caroline noted the time.

“We don’t really know.” Alex answered as he looked around.

“So what is his condition exactly? Do we know?” Caroline inquired.

“What’s his condition? He’s preparing for the Olympics, genius.” Tommy could barely contain his apparent dislike for Caroline.

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