Home > Alone (Bone Secrets #4)(37)

Alone (Bone Secrets #4)(37)
Author: Kendra Elliot

“It’s a good possibility. We should see if Jerry found anything in the labs.”

Seth nodded, beads of moisture sticking in his hair. He ran a hand over the dark dampness, making it spike up a bit, and he suddenly looked ten years younger.

Victoria’s lungs tightened at the sight. He looks like when we first met.

Tori regarded him, her eyes wide and her gaze distant, as they stood in the light rain.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

She blinked and the moment was gone. “Nothing. Just…” She didn’t finish.

He brushed a raindrop off her cheek. “It’s not raining hard, but it’s that type of dense misting rain that absolutely soaks everything.”

She nodded in agreement, still quiet. Her gaze held his, but her walls had risen. A second before, she’d looked like the Tori of their youth. Wide-eyed and curious about the world. Now she was Dr. Peres. Quiet, observing, and impenetrable.

He liked this serious woman, but he missed the inquisitive girl of the past. He had a hunch the old Tori was below the prickly surface. The surface others like Mason Callahan saw and caused them to make snap judgments.

Was it his fault she had such walls?

He no longer saw her physical changes over the last two decades; now he felt her essence and it was a familiar place. His body and mind remembered it. He leaned closer, his focus on her lips, catching the scent of her hair stirred up by the soft rain. Her pupils dilated slightly. She inhaled abruptly, turned away, and stepped back inside the building.


He followed her inside, wishing she’d held still for five seconds longer, and saw she was striding toward her lab. “Hey! Hang on a minute.” Tori stopped and turned to face him. If he’d thought she had walls up before, she now had brick walls with steel supports guarding her thoughts. The stop sign she projected halted him in his tracks. Her chest heaved slightly, her lips clamped together, her eyes searching his.

Seth didn’t know what to say to her.

I was about to kiss her outside.

And she ran away.

“I’m sorry,” he started lamely. “I didn’t mean—”

“Forget it.”

“No, I don’t think you underst—”

“I don’t understand? You think I’m confused because the man I fell in love with almost two decades ago has shown up on my doorstep and wants to pick up where we left off? What’s not to understand about that?”

She had a point.

“You are under my skin, Seth. I know that. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to blindly trust you again and offer my heart up on a platter for you to do with as you please. I’ve made mistakes. Big ones. One named Seth and one named Rory. Those weren’t slap-a-Band-Aid-on-it mistakes. Those were long-years-of-soul-searching mistakes. Do you think I’m going to jump in for round two with you on a whim?”

She put her hand on her lab door and shoved. The door swung in and stopped with a thunk as it slammed into something.


“Oh, Christ.” Tori peeked into the room. “What are you doing in here?”

Over her shoulder, Seth could see part of a man who stood on the other side of the door. He moved and Tori managed to push the door the rest of the way open. A tall blond stranger in a wet peacoat met Seth’s gaze. The man’s green eyes were instantly suspicious and guarded.

“Anita said you were down here. She said the fire alarms had gone off?” The stranger didn’t drop Seth’s eye contact, but the question was obviously for Tori.

“Yes, we’re still checking around.” She glanced back at Seth, her brows narrowing.

“Rory, this is Dr. Rutledge. He’s considering Dr. Campbell’s position.”

Rory? Her ex?

“Ah. Dr. Campbell has always been a favorite of mine. Those are some big shoes to fill.” The man held his hand out to Seth, the majority of his suspicion gone in his gaze. Seth shook his hand.

Did his name not ring a bell with her ex? Or had she never mentioned him?

An odd sense of disappointment swept over him. When he’d ended it with Tori, she must have written him out of her life story. Could he blame her? What’d he expect? To be shared as part of her history as the one who got away? More likely he was the one who’d ripped out and stomped on her heart. He wouldn’t share that story with anyone, either.

The three of them stood there for an awkward second, not speaking, just looking from one to another.

Seth forced out some words. “Well, it doesn’t look like there’s any sign of a fire or smoke from this room.”

Tori jerked slightly as if pulled out of a trance and gazed around the room. “Um. No. It looks—wait a minute.” She strode past Rory and stopped at some boxes on one of her metal tables. “What the hell?”

Seth didn’t like her angry tone. He moved beside her. “What’s wrong?”

“Someone went through these.”

Three boxes were strewn across the table. All their lids off. The yellowed color of bone visible in each one. Several bones were loose on the table.

“God damn it!” Tori picked up the loose pieces. “Someone’s mixed them together.”

“Aren’t they coded?” Seth asked.

She nodded. “But a lot of the numbers had faded to nothing over the years. I’d touched up some of them but not all.”

Seth peered in a box. Two pelvises. That obviously wasn’t right. He lifted them both out, feeling Tori’s watchful gaze on his movements. “I can read the numbers on both of these. Why would someone try to mix them up?”

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